When I was younger, I had my life planned out. By the time I was 21, I was going to be a hot shot veterinarian and a millionaire. I am obviously nowhere near being either one of the two (unfortunately, I haven't won the lottery) but I am excited to say that I am happy where I am. My 11-year-old self may be disappointed in the choices I have made, (I had no idea what an Occupational Therapist was or that I would be getting married in a few months) but I believe that where I am now is where I am supposed to be.
Our destiny is planned out before we ever get to our destination (Jeremiah 29:11). We are given many choices throughout our lives and these choices define who we are. For example, I have chosen to remain strong in my faith. I have chosen to never take a sip of alcohol or try any drugs. I have chosen my major and I have chosen the guy who I want to stay with for the rest of my life. I'm not sure if I have made the but theses are the choices that I have made. I'm not saying that I think I am perfect, I'm just saying that I am trying to follow God's path for me to the best of my abilities. I know that I have taken a couple of detours along the way, but if you've ever been on a road trip then you know that sometimes detours can be fun because you get the chance to find your way again. Every path that we take has a few bumps on the road. Every bump that you run into, every person you meet and every sign that you see are there to teach you a lesson and to test you on your willingness to move forward. So, when you are looking at your life and you aren't where you hoped that you would be, do not be ashamed of where you are.
Learn from the mistakes you make. Cherish each person that comes into your life no matter what they have done to you. Keep moving forward. We were never promised that our lives would be easy, we were just promised a life full of greatness as long as you lived with faith. Don't follow someone else's path. That's their journey to travel. If you find yourself wavering along the wrong path, go another direction and follow what you believe is right, but keep in mind that being on the right path is useless if you are just sitting there. Don't give up on your dreams, don't get discouraged when things don't go your way. Live your life day to day. Make new memories because they are some of the very few things that you can always take with you. The only thing stopping you from achieving greatness is fear.
Life isn't always going to be easy or fun, but keep in mind that you were given your life for a purpose, and you are worth way too much to give up on.
"Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it."~Brave