There is no set "life" that we all have to follow. That is the beauty of life itself. We have the power to make our life the best it can be.
So GO FOR IT! Whatever your dreams are, go for it. Whatever your wants and needs are, go get them. The only person that can stop you is yourself.
Of course, there are going to be times where you doubt who you are, what you want, and what will happen if things do not end up the way you wish. Well I have had those thoughts and still do, but in the end, ask yourself, would you rather sit there and always wonder what could be?
If you want to graduate college, strive to do your best in classes. If you want to be a famous singer then go sing. If you want to be a lawyer, then go work your butt off and become a lawyer. If you want to become a doctor, then grab those MCAT test prep books and start studying. Nothing can stop you but yourself. Money, time, people, etc. will try to stop you, but only you can let those things bring you to a halt.
My message to all of you is GO FOR IT! Try. Do your best. Who knows your dreams could come true. But there are a few things to remember. One, always have a backup plan. This way you are prepared and have a fall back in case you changed your mind or things do not work out. and two, always make sure you are happy. Happiness is what should drive you. Do not let money be the main factor of your goals. Money can bring a lot into your life, but in the end, money runs out of things only happiness and life can give you.
Stay humble and focused. Look into the mirror and tell yourself every day that " I will be a doctor and make a difference one life at a time." or "I will be a lawyer.", or even having a goal and telling yourself "Everything is going to be alright and I will be happy."
You have the power to create your own life. So... GO FOR IT!
From a girl who is going for it herself. Good luck and stay focused.
Stay True,
Montana Joleen