Juicing is currently a very popular diet, so I decided to give it a try. I found one on Groupon from an online website called Juice-a-lot. I figured before I go back to college was a good time to give this cleanse a try since I have heard so many varying opinions about it. This cleanse did not come with instructions -- just 18 juices to drink over the course of three days. Some sound good, like Pina Colada. However, others sound not so great, like Green Goliath. However, I am going in with an open mind, so I hope this helps you decide whether you should attempt this trek as well.
I weighed myself the night before my start day and will weigh myself at the end of the third day. I will let you know of any changes that I feel going on and will also let you know how I feel the day after I finish juicing.
Day One

I woke up and had my first juice. It has been about an hour and a half and I am already starting to get a little hungry. Nothing too bad yet, though.
It is a few hours later in the day, and I have noticed today that there are no changes really in my energy, but I have been hungry. The juices are not extremely filling and I am hungry within about 30 minutes of drinking one. So far, no big problems.
I will admit that I cheated a little today. The juices may be somewhat substantial, but I was still a little hungry around dinner time and caved and had some salad and a piece of bread. It may have been just me, but I was too hungry to not have a little food to actually eat.
Day Two

Having now been on the juice cleanse for a day and a half, I will say that I honestly am exhausted and very hungry. I stepped on the scale in the middle of the day and see I have lost one pound. The juices definitely make you process whatever is in your system quite quickly because of all the fiber in them, so if you are thinking of trying one, make sure you have a bathroom nearby at all times.
Tip: With every juice you drink, have a big glass of water after. Drinking juice makes you feel like you are drinking water so I wasn’t getting thirsty much, but I had a bad headache for a while and I realized it was from not drinking much water at all. Big mistake.
Day Three

It was almost impossible for me not to eat today. Although my juices have all tasted good (other than the Cayenne Pepper one), I am still left starving after about 30 minutes. When I did not eat anything small alongside the juices, I found that I would get headaches and stomachaches that would not go away until I had a little something to eat.
I found it very hard to actually go three whole days without eating anything alongside these juices. It also may have just been this brand that I had, or it may be all of them, but I found there to be a lot of sugar in the juices and not as much fiber and vitamins as I had assumed. And the other issue has been that I feel as if I have half of the energy I normally have in a day, which is very annoying.
Day Four
I have weighed myself this morning to see I have lost about three pounds. Although I may have lost more if I had not eaten anything, I also would have been starving my body. I do not feel as refreshed and renewed as I had hoped after the juice cleanse and am slightly disappointed. I also feel very bloated and upset that I do not feel as healthy and detoxed as I was hoping.
If you are planning on doing a juice cleanse, make sure do your research before selecting your juice and be forewarned that it might not be all sunshine and roses!