We are followers. In a world that pushes us to be the best, to lead, to be at the front of the pack, we are simply followers. If we strive for 4.0 GPAs we are following what the school system tells us to do. If we work a job, we follow the instructions our bosses give us. If we live at home, we follow the rules parents set for us, and in the mornings I follow the smell of Dark Roast like a bear to a steak. When we were little, we played follow the leader, all the while planning in our heads what we would do when it was our turn to be in the front of the line. It is easy to be follower. But who are we following? Are we following trends, celebrities, or athletes on twitter? Are we following our nearby radar on a pokemon app? Are we following fashion, our friends, our families, or fun?
In Mark 1, Jesus is walking along the Sea of Galilee,and he sees Andrew and his brother Simon. Jesus stops and speaks to them and says "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." The Bible tells us that immediately they left their nets and followed Christ. Imagine you are out hiking through the mountains. The trees a lush and dense, and the most vibrant shades of green you have ever seen. The grass is mossy, and everything around you has a dazzling emerald hue. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the faint roar of a waterfall, and closer to you a song bird. You look around and you realize you are so distracted by everything there is to see, you have gotten off of the trail, and you have absolutely no idea where you are, or how to get back. Then someone one comes along and says, "Hey, I live just over that ridge. I can show you the way out of here." Do you follow them, or do you say "no thanks, I'll figure out how to get back on my own."? You follow them. You stay on their heels like a puppy with his best human friend. You don't let them out of your sight. It's a matter of life or death. If you don't follow, you may die, lost in a beautiful place, but hungry, thirsty, alone, and scared.
The word repent, often makes us think of feelings of remorse, guilt, or sorrow. The Hebrew word for repent literally means "to change direction." It means to turn around, to change direction, to go the other way. Like the hiker lost in the woods, we need to turn around. We need to change which way we are going. The time has come, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the good news! To repent, to change direction, means to give up our agenda for God's. We are hikers, lost in a beautiful wilderness, but that beauty ultimately brings death and destruction. It's time to change direction. Does the hiker give up his agenda to follow the ranger to safety? Will we give up our agenda to follow Christ call on our lives? Christ is here to lead us out of the wilderness. We can follow Him, or stay here to die. I choose to press on with my fellow followers, to follow the only one worthy of being a leader. The choice is yours. Who will you follow?