Experts say we make around 35,000 choices every day.
With all of this decision-making practice, it’s easy to believe that we know what’s best for us.
Well, at least that’s how I felt.
I’m the kind of person who gets really excited about everything, so when a new business or job opportunity comes up, I tend to jump right in. The last three times that it's happened to me, I’ve said yes without even giving it a second thought.
…until I’ve already dove in head-first and realized that I’m in way too deep. Unfortunately, my open mind has gotten me into trouble and I’ve had to back out of the last three opportunities that have been offered to me. Believe me, letting people down doesn’t get easier the more you do it.
After this last one, I decided to take a deep look at my life and figure out what I’ve been doing wrong. It took me a while, but I finally figured out what it was.
I thought I should be in charge of my life, that I could see the future, and that I didn’t need to seek anyone’s counsel before making any major decisions.
I forgot that there is a God who is in charge of my life, who can see the future, and whose counsel I need to seek before making any decisions.
While I was too busy thanking God for bringing all of these wonderful things into my life, I failed to ask Him what I should do with them.
Don’t be like me. Don’t convince yourself that you know what’s best for your life. Turn things over to the One who does.