I reached the tipping scale not too long ago when I needed to stop investing my time into empty relationships. Instead, I need to spiritually mature into the person that Christ wants me to be. Recently I have been praying for my future self to be revealed by virtue of not being satisfied where I am at this point of my life.
I was told by society that I needed to have a boyfriend in order to feel validation of my worth. There are so many posts about "relationship goals" on almost every social media website. Both females and males are told to live up to those expectations, or that we need someone to be happy. I am/have been guilty of all of this, and this is why I am no longer going to focus on trying to find someone.
“This generation wouldn’t be so heartbroken if we stopped looking for love from everyone except God. Find security in God first.” –Tovares Grey
I was guided with the help of friends and prayer, that I need to invest my time into a personal relationship with God, instead of searching for a SO. In my younger years, I always felt the need/pressure to have a boyfriend. This resulted in a couple of good relationships, and a few not-so-great relationships (I don’t regret any of the relationships I have had, they have lessons that I have learned from.)
I always thought that I had a "good enough" relationship with God. But, reflecting on my past it wasn’t good enough. My relationship with God is tricky, difficult and emotional just like any other relationship. I’m not writing this post to say that wanting a relationship with a SO is bad, but needing one is—and I’ve come to that realization. As a Christian, instead of focusing on trying to find someone, we should be focusing on a personal relationship with God and living out a Godly life.
I’m not saying that I am going to accomplish a perfect relationship with God, or one that is superior to others for doing this. I don’t know what I am going to accomplish and that is the fascinating part of it. Of course, I will to be closer to God but I have never set my mind on just him before. I know now that all I need is him, and that when God is ready for that SO to be in my life the timing will be just right.
“Don’t compromise your walk with God to be with anyone. If you trust God’s timing, he will send someone who will help your walk with God.” @Godlydating101
Side note: It’s going to be monumental one year from now to look back and see all of the up’s and down’s of this journey that I am taking. My main goal is listen solely to what God wants for my life and to no longer put my wants before his. I don’t know if this contradicts myself fully, or what-not, but always remember that you are the woman/man that someone is praying for. Dig deep into a relationship with God, and know that his timing is perfect.