Every day, we're bombarded with advertisements telling us how we should look. We're also asked from a young age who our role models are. While it's okay to have people who inspire you, I think people sometimes get caught up in trying to be like others and losing sight of their individuality.
Other people can inspire you, but you should always aspire to be the best possible version of yourself. You have your own unique set of circumstances that feed into what you're able to do and how you're able to accomplish your goals. You might not have the same opportunities as someone else, and you're certainly a different person, so it's unfair to compare yourself to others.
"Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt
The only person you should compete with is yourself. Ask yourself if you're becoming the person you want to be. Are you doing all you can to achieve what you want?
A quote by Chetan Bhagat says, "Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others." At times, I've found myself focusing on what other people are doing and wishing I was like them. In retrospect, I've realized that I could've been spending that time looking at my own actions and improving myself.
You have control over your own actions, so put energy into changing the things you can in your life. Focus on yourself and not only will you be able to see all you're capable of, but you will no longer be the person standing in your way.