Staying focus during the end of the semester can be challenging. For me personally, once it starts to get cold out I don't want to get out of bed or leave my dorm to troop across campus, for an 8 a.m. class. The holidays are coming up and I know that is where every college students mind is at right now. Aside for the holidays, all we can focus on is when our last day of classes is, what we're going to wear, what to get our family and friends for Christmas, and everything we want to do during the holiday break. So here are some tips on how to stay focused on school during the end of the semester slump.
1. Use a planner/calender.
Write down due dates and all your assignments. I write everything down in my planner and on my calendar.
2. Make a to-do list/schedule.
Okay so maybe nothing isn't on your to-do list, but make a to-do list for every single day and the times you plan on doing each task.
3. Put your phone and other electronics away.
Unless you need your laptop for a paper or research. Shut off your text notification on your Macbook, if you have one.
4. Don't miss class!!
I know people are getting sick and its freezing out but suck it up and go to class. There's one month left of class/finals.
5. Stop multitasking.
In the end it does NO good. If you're not completed focused on one assignment then you aren't going to do your best. Plus you're going to get side tracked and end up not doing what you're supposed to be doing.
7. Take breaks.
Everyone needs break or two or however many you need so you aren't going to drive yourself crazy.
8. Go to bed a decent time.
I know people have work and other responsibilities but come on, going to bed at 3am, never does any good.
9. Get a study buddy or a study group together.
Do NOT pick your best friend, it'll go no where, real quick.
Do every single assignment as you get them, not the night before they are due.