When You're Too Focused On Life, It's Difficult To See What's Going On Inside | The Odyssey Online
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When You're Too Focused On Life, It's Difficult To See What's Going On Inside

It's Not As Easily Recognizable Like Things On The Outside Appear As

When You're Too Focused On Life, It's Difficult To See What's Going On Inside
Meghan King

As college students, life gets busy. Even as people our lives become hectic with almost non-stop work and routines. For students, it's full of classes and work, among trying not to completely abandon our social lives and still maintain a healthy level of sanity and occasionally getting sleep when we can. In all honesty, life is rough. And not to get philosophical momentarily, but like there's gonna be these moments of highs and lows and getting past them is part of the journey we go along in life.

And everyone goes through s***. No matter how many times we succeed there are instances that slow us down and make us feel like we're taking two steps back instead of two steps forward. But at the same time life moves too fast for us to be able to dwell on any one thing- even when that thing seems like it's the only thing we can/will obsess about. In all of the hecticness of life though- no one really ever slows down. Life never seems to stop and take a second to breathe.

We, as people, do the same thing.

And to be completely honest, mental health is the same way. We all have bad days. We all have good days. Some are better than others maybe. But in all of it- life. moves. on. Too often it can feel like life is moving past us and what's currently in front of us might be holding us back from looking inside of ourselves and seeing where our health lies. Our minds are a web of thoughts and communication that help to tune us into the rest of our body and the world surrounding us.

Nerves are completely normal, but when emotions pile up and drag us down into these deep dark holes- this isn't healthy! Those with diagnosed mental health disorders often find themselves having to fight to take care of themselves. Even with what may seem like a basic routine. I can't exactly say how it must feel because I haven't gone through things like this, but it doesn't mean that there aren't at least a hundred people who know this feeling a little too well.

When it feels like life is moving too fast and you just want to have the world pause for a minute to catch your breath? That's when you need to evaluate. I know the feeling of wanting to world to stop for a minute- almost all too well. I never feel like I'm able to just BREATHE. But my point through all of this is that it's super, super important to take that moment. No matter what you're doing and what's stressing you out take that moment to evaluate yourself because no one knows you better than yourself.

The moments that matter the most are more than those when everything is falling apart. That feeling could've been prevented earlier on by taking that moment and stepping out of reality just to breathe. As easy as it sounds, it's really not. We get caught up in this web of life and it turns into a mess of everything being spun together.

Because mental health is still a relatively newer topic that's being discussed throughout the world, it's not looked at too seriously. Those who are proponents of it take the matter very seriously and are passionate about advocacy for the subject. Although, mental health isn't something that can be looked at from the outside and declared right then and there. It's not as simple as a doctor giving you medication for something like the flu- which has obvious symptoms.

Those who know mental health- both the good and bad- know the symptoms in themselves because everyone is different. No two people are possibly going to exhibit the very same traits in the same manner for the same diagnosis. Two different diagnoses for the same disorder could look very different.

Which is why when you take a moment and stop to look around or to notice something in the smaller details, this is when you're essentially looking into yourself to see those smaller aspects of yourself that may feel neglected for the majority of the time- like sometimes mental health. Though- it really isn't a little part of all of our lives- mental health plays a huge role in how we live our lives and go about each day. It tells us when we're hungry, when we're tired- what seem like obvious things, but the deceptions of traits can take these simple feelings and make them appear like something different.

So, remember to look inside of yourself and take care of yourself. Not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Whatever these mean to you- fulfill them. Make them important aspects of growing and taking care of yourself.

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