It's that dreaded time of year again when your sleep schedule becomes non-existent and you dream about exam questions: finals week. The only thing getting you through the pain and suffering of multiple hour long exams is the thought of having a summer off or leaving to study abroad. Here are 13 emotions that you are sure to experience before finals are over, as told by Ricky and Morty.
1. Trying to learn a whole semester worth of school in two days.

2. When you are studying with other people and their answers are completely different than yours.

3. When your final is scheduled on a Saturday.

4. Calculating your grade trying to figure out the lowest possible score you can get.

5. Going out on dead day to get some relief from studying.

6. Forgetting a pencil on exam day and having to ask everyone seated around you for one.
7. When the test is nothing like the study guide.

8. Making up an answer to an essay question.

9. Walking out of the exam feeling so relieved you don't even care if you failed.

10. When your friends are done with their finals but you aren't.

11. Finally finishing your last exam.

12. Being the last left in town.

13. And, finally being free for the summer.

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