Step one to attend IRHC's 7th Annual Flurry: Stand in line forever. Read the liability agreement of the University. Everyone is clumsy and especially on blades, your signature counts more than you think.
We got a free tour of the city on a double decker bus. This beats the subways anytime. It can be easy to get stuck in our own little worlds around this time in the semester, so it was refreshing to see the city like a tourist, without the stress of midterms and papers due within 20 hours.
Finally, I arrived to the ice skating rink and, as expected, another line.
For a Tuesday night in November, the rink is crowded with NYU students left and right, in groups and armed with friends.
There's quite a bit of crashing and falling. However, resilient students retain their smiles.
At about this time, I am kicked off the ice because my camera could apparently injure me if I fell on it (as if sharp blades underfoot hundreds of amateur skaters is less dangerous than a chunk of plastic).
Fortunately, It was Zimbabwe time. A couple actual ice skaters took advantage of the empty rink.
Despite the 65ºF weather, it was a great experience, and was a well-timed midterm relief for everyone! (These last two photos were taken by my friend Dominic so that I could take one last spin around the ink sans dangerous chunk of plastic).