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When You're Stuck In Florida's Summer Thunderstorms Try These 21 Entertaining Things

Whoever decided that Florida should be nicknamed the "Sunshine State" obviously didn't live here during the summer.

Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash
Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

Florida summer is synonymous with daily afternoon thunderstorms. This might be a surprise to anyone who didn't grow up here, but for homegrown Floridians it's just a fact of life. But wet weather doesn't have to put a damper on your fun. While you're waiting for the skies to calm down, use your time to try something different!

Read a book out loud.

We've all heard about how great it is to curl up and read a good book on a rainy day, but we forget that we can share that experience with someone else. Do you remember the last time someone read out loud to you? It's a unique and sweet activity perfect for a rainy day. Even if you're just reading to your cat.

Make art with the rain.

There are a couple of different ways you can make art using rain. Rain works takes some planning, but if you have the time and inspiration it is a great way to use the weather for a creative project. You can also make abstract images by experimenting with different mediums on sturdy paper and then setting it out in the rain.

Go to a museum or aquarium.

If you're tired of your apartment's walls, you can still have some indoor fun without having to stay home. You might want to plan ahead if you're looking to avoid driving in the rain, but our city's museum gems will keep you dry, educated and entertained.

Do yoga or another indoor exercise.

Being stuck inside can make you restless, especially if you downed 20 oz of coffee that morning. Stop moaning, dust off your yoga mat or treadmill and get your body moving.

Build a fort.

Yeah, you heard me. I don't care if you're 30, building a fort is never not fun.

Read your fortune.

Regardless of if you believe in divination or not, it's still fun and can spark interesting discussion. If you don't have tarot cards, try palm reading or reading tea leaves.

Do a puzzle.

I'm a fan of an old-fashioned puzzle to pass an hour or two. Since you know there will be more thunderstorms, you can always walk away when the skies clear and turn it into a week-long project. Or maybe a month-long project. Some puzzles are really hard, man.

Call your mom.

Or a friend, or your brother, or anyone whose voice you miss. Chances are, they miss your voice too.

Make a YouTube video.

Instead of watching YouTube, contribute to it! Have a special skill you want to share? Have tips for cat owners? Always wanted to put in your two cents about environmentalism? Now is the time. Why not?

Have a baking party.

For some people, the rain can be depressing. What better way to cheer everyone up than with some sweet treats and sweet friends?

Play trivia.

Learn new facts and crush everyone with your amazing intellect. Or just have fun, I guess.


The soothing, rhythmic sound of a thunderstorm is the perfect soundtrack for quiet mindfulness. If you're new to meditation try these tips. I personally prefer guided meditations, which can easily be found on YouTube.

Go for a walk.

As long as it's safe, you can still enjoy the outdoors even when it's raining! Walking in the rain can be refreshing and cathartic, if a little humid.

Do boring stuff.

Sometimes inclement weather can be the catalyst you need to finally do all those chores you've been avoiding. Like finally putting away the mountain of clean clothes stacked in front of your closet.

Do a science experiment.

Doing a quick google search will show you there are a lot of accessible science experiments that you can do at home. Unleash your inner nerd and experience the science hidden all around you!

Find bugs and frogs.

If you're into science but don't want to do an experiment consider becoming a citizen scientist and going out to find backyard critters to document them. This is probably best right after it rains.

Challenge yourself not to use any electricity.

Turn off the lights, close this article and put away your phone. When you've successfully created an electricity-free zone, you'll be met with the question "now what?". Boredom necessitates creativity. With only the rumbling skies outside to entertain you, you might find yourself picking up an old hobby and writing the next greatest novel. It's also good practice for when the storm is strong enough to knock out your power for real.

Transform your home into the perfect place for a date night.

Maybe you wanted to go out with your partner, but the rain is stopping you. Surprise them by transforming your home instead. Get romantic, get cheesy and they'll love it!

Play with your pet.

Seriously! They always want to spend time with you! With our busy schedules, we usually don't give our furry babies as much attention as they deserve.

Enjoy the rain outside.

Sit outside on a covered porch with a drink of your choice, maybe a cat or two, and enjoy the calming atmosphere.

Enjoy the rain inside.

Snuggle in bed and open your blinds, so you can see the rain run down your windows. Put on a movie you've already seen and maybe take a nap. I know that's really what you want to do.

A rainy afternoon can be just as enjoyable as an afternoon full of sunshine. With Florida's rainy season underway, rethinking how you let the weather affect your day can change your whole summer.

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