Living in Florida has its perks but there are some disadvantages. But there are more advantages to living in Florida - one is that there is no snow and you live where people vacationed. Here are just Floridan things.
1. Pub Subs
The best pub subs is chicken tenders. Only the South will understand that it's only at Publix and the best time to get a chicken tender pub sub is when it's on sale.
2. Lovebugs
Nasty splats that cover your car a few months out of the year. Not really loved by anyone.
3. Kumquats
These are adorable little citrus fruits that can be found all over the place.
4. Sea Cow
In the South, we call them sea cows not manatees.
5. "It'll pass"
This phrase refers to the on again, off again rain showers throughout the day. Rain comes in short intervals especially during the summer.
6. South Florida is its own state
South is more "North" and North is more "South". Miami acts like New York.
7. Having Hurricane Days
Hurricane Days are real. But sometimes, it meant that you won't have school.
8. Knowing the layout of your local Publix
You know your Publix like the back of your hand.
9. Anything below 70 degrees is cold
Floridans will wear jackets and bring out the Uggs when it gets below 70 degrees.
10. Florida Weather
You have trust issues with the weather because you can literally get rain one minute and then it's sunny the next minute. It can also be winter in the morning and then summer as the day goes on.
11. Season Passes to Amusement Parks
Your family had the annual passes to Disney World or Universal Studios because it's in Orlando and you live in Florida.
12. Football Rivalries
Between Florida State and Florida, it's a love-hate relationship. You hate one team and love the other team.
As it goes without saying, but you would not have trade growing up in Florida for the world.