On Jan. 3, 2018, Tallahassee, FL got its first look at snow since 1989.
If you haven't seen enough Snapchat stories, Facebook posts, or Instagram photos already, I am here to inform you that it actually snowed in Florida!!! Look, here's some proof.
Yes, the stories are true...the Sunshine State got a taste of what a true winter feels like. This time last week I was tanning in a bathing suit, but I've now traded the sun for some snow, and have been completely enchanted by its presence.
This is the first time myself and many of my fellow Floridians have ever seen or experienced snowfall. While it may seem silly to be so excited over 10 minutes of a wintry wonderland, it felt like a dream to those who haven't been blessed by the sight of snowflakes before, and you can bet that I embraced every moment of it.
Here are the 9 feelings many Floridians experienced in the past 24 hours.
1. 7:00 pm: Wait, it's supposed to snow tomorrow?
Considering our temperatures rarely dip below 80 degrees, freezing weather is quite the shock.
2. 7:05 pm: Impossible. Not gonna happen.
We've been faked-out many times before with false weather forecasts. Floridians have been hurt by this foolery too often, and may be caught in a state of denial.
3. 5:00 am: There are some flurries outside...
Still in snow-critic mode. I won't believe it until I see it.
4. 7:00 am: Yep, just cold rain. Even though it's literally 27 degrees outside. Fooled again.
Disappointed, but not surprised.
5. 8:00 am: What is that white stuff falling from the sky?
6. 8:01 am: Could it really be...snow?!?!
7. 8:05 am: Stop resisting the urge to completely freak out and run around in the wintry bliss.
Make an amateur snowman...you know you want to.
8. 8:30 am: Must. Document. Every. Moment.
Your social media feeds have likely been completely taken over by people way overdressed for a quarter inch of snow...oh well!
9. 9:00 am: That's it?
There is maybe a quarter inch of snow covering the ground. Again, disappointed, but not surprised. Bye snow!