Marijuana is the hot topic in politics and a continuous ongoing debate. With all these upcoming elections, candidates are stating their point of view. Medical marijuana was legalized and became effective in the state of Florida on January 3rd, 2017. It's a joke that anyone can qualify for a medical card by just stating they have a minor case such as "anxiety" and "back pain", but that's not the case at all. In the state of Florida, there are 10 qualifying medical conditions. These include Cancer, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Crohn's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple sclerosis. These are all very serious medical conditions that require a diagnosis from a particular medical specialist. People of all sorts are signing up for their own medical cards to help relieve their own conditions.
I interviewed college student Conor Malone on what it is like to have a medical marijuana card in the state of Florida. Conor in October of 2017 received his medical card for Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. I asked him three questions about what it is like to be a medical marijuana patient.
1. "What was the process like to get a medical marijuana card?"
I had to print out doctors notes that had my diagnosis on it and scheduled an appointment at a medical marijuana doctor's office in Tampa, FL. In the office, I had to pay for my appointment and he explained everything to me. They educated me on the specifications of each method of relief offered by marijuana. After that appointment, the doctor gave me a prescription for how much I can purchase and what category of products I can purchase from. I paid my processing fee to receive my card and in a few weeks, l got a confirmation email saying I was approved.
2. "What is it like to purchase your medicine?"
You have to find a dispensary that is registered and licensed to sell medical marijuana products in the state of Florida. When you walk in, they take your card immediately and register you in their system. Afterward, you wait to get called back so you can be assisted by a sales associate. Many of these employees are very educated about the products they are selling and can answer your questions.
3. "What are the products you use?"
It's not actually the plant form of marijuana like everyone probably thinks. I usually use oil cartridges that are vaporized and oral. The oral route is available to those who would like another option besides smoking through tincture oil and capsules.
Medical marijuana is available in the state of Florida for certain conditions and with the upcoming election, the list of conditions could expand. This is a popular form of alternative medicine that is continuing to grow in and outside the state of Florida. The stigma behind marijuana is the stereotypical stoner dazed and confused, but it's much more than that and the public should be more educated.
For more education on medical marijuana, visit the Florida Department of Health.