Florida Gator Super Fan Feature: Jena Broyles | The Odyssey Online
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Florida Gator Super Fan Feature: Jena Broyles

Florida Gator Super Fan Feature: Jena Broyles

It may be called 'March Madness' but for Florida Gators men's basketball super fan Jena Broyles, the madness has been going on since the beginning of the season in November. Broyles has always been a basketball fan, and was even a manager on her high school's team. However, she became a Gator fan in sixth grade when her Florida fanatic stepdad moved in and showed her the right team to get behind.

Jena is always willing to go the extra mile for her team - in more ways than one. She is willing to travel to tournaments and away games when her schedule permits and she is also on the executive board of the Gators' student section, the Rowdy Reptiles. Otherwise known as the 'Rowdies,' this student section is notorious for making Florida's home court, the Stephen C. O'Connell Center, one of the toughest places to play in college basketball. In that arena, she has only missed five home games in her four years attending the University of Florida.

She started getting involved with the Rowdies her freshman year when Alicia Longworth, the director of marketing at the time and advisor to the student section, approached her and encouraged her to attend a Rowdy Reptile meeting. As soon as she went she absolutely loved it and did not miss a meeting the remainder of her first year. From there, she decided she wanted to take a leadership role and ran for Treasurer and served in that position for her sophomore year. Since there, she has served as the Events Coordinator for her junior and senior years and she credits all of her involvement and memories to Alicia Longworth. "She has literally become my inspiration for what I want to do with my life, I can not thank her enough for telling me to get involved and create such amazing opportunities not only as memories but for my future career," Jena said.

Here is Broyles with a friend, front and center of the student section at one of the Gators' games this season.

Being involved with running this hyped up student section comes with extra responsibilities that only a passionate fan would be eager to accommodate. Before every big game the students camp out of the arena as early as 5 p.m. the day before. "This year before the Florida-Kentucky game I the Rowdies were lining up as early as 2:30 p.m. the day before, and it's one of my jobs as the Event Coordinator to pass out wristbands and give everyone fair chance of getting seats since it's first come first serve," Broyles said.

When asked how she felt about waiting over 24 hours in line for the opportunity to sit in the front row for just one basketball game, Broyles said, "I would not even think twice before doing it again."

With four years of involvement with this basketball team, she said it was hard to pinpoint her favorite memory. She finally narrowed it down to the Southeastern Conference Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia two years ago. "I was front row at the game and we were playing Kentucky for the third time of the season and there was not much of a chance of us winning the game," she said. "But then Scottie [Wilbekin] stole the ball in the last few minutes of gameplay and we were able to pull off the upset win against Kentucky and they cut the nets after the game - it was really cool to see."

This win allowed Jena to travelled to Dallas, Texas in for the 2014 Final Four. This was her first time at a huge NCAA tournament and even though the Gators did not make it past their first game, she said it was one of the most incredible experiences to watch the best of the best play live.

In the left photo, Jena stands on the court at her last home game with other Rowdies. The right photo is from her trip to the Final Four in 2014.

After a year like that, it's not surprising that 2013-2014 was her favorite team in her time here. "We went really far and played together so well and really played as a team," she said. "It was an amazing season that allowed me to travel to Atlanta for SEC's and Dallas for the Final Four." Surprisingly her favorite player does not come from that time frame. Broyles said her all-time favorite Gator is Devin Robinson. "He's my favorite because of how dedicated he is and you can really tell his love for the game from how he plays," Jena said. "He always plays hard on the court and he seems to really care about his free throws, which is a weakness on our team."

Looking back at all that she's done here at the University of Florida and all that she has been able to accomplish here, Broyles says she would not change it for the world. Her involvement with this team has inspired her for wanting to work in a marketing department for a sport team after she graduates in August of 2016. However, even after graduation she is not too worried about feeling distanced from her team because as the saying goes, "Once a Gator, always a Gator."

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