This Is What Flint, MI Looks Like After 1,000 Days Without Water | The Odyssey Online
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This Is What Flint, MI Looks Like After 1,000 Days Without Water

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee journalism students traveled to Flint, Michigan to investigate the ongoing water crisis, this is what we discovered.

This Is What Flint, MI Looks Like After 1,000 Days Without Water
Sabrina Johnkins

This past weekend, myself — and nearly 20 fellow UWM journalism students — went on an investigative reporting trip to Flint Michigan to shed some light on the ongoing water crisis. The following photos are to tell the stories of the forgotten in Flint, Michigan.

Water Distribution: Ward 3

There is a total of nine water distribution wards throughout the city of Flint. They are open six hours a day, rain or shine.

The Pipes

Members of the EPA show a sample of the pipes that are poisoning the water.

Leafy Greens

Flint residents have been told that eating leafy greens and fresh produce will counteract the lead poisoning, however, this image represents most of the local businesses and grocery stores where you can purchase said items.

The Old GM Plant

On June 29, 1999 the General Motors Buick City complex closed it doors - taking away thousands of jobs in the city of Flint. This plant was considered to be the heart of the city and its collapse is often blamed for the city's poverty.

Water Bottles Of Flint

Despite the implementation of a few water filtration devices, nearly every flint resident continues to drink from bottled water. They simply do not trust the water coming out of their faucets. Water bottles consume homes, porches, and the city's streets.

An Abandon City

Countless homes and local parks have been abandoned, condemned, or forgotten.

The Filters

While the government has provided water filters to city residents, they are not one-size-fits-all. A lot of the filters don't fit the water faucets within the homes, and many Flint residents don't believe that filters work - so they often remain unopened.

Community Outreach

Organizations within the community occasionally hold educational seminars to inform residents on how to stay healthy while being exposed to poisonous water. They offer tips on how to counteract lead poisoning as well as provide water sampling kits.

It has been 1,067 days since the citizens of Flint have had clean drinking water.

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