The Flaws In Our Education System | The Odyssey Online
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The Flaws In Our Education System

It's not talked about as fluently but it's just as important

The Flaws In Our Education System

With all the politics that have been talked about in the last year or so one thing you never hear about is our education system. Sure it has been talked about before but it seems to have been pushed to the back burner as fear mongering has taken over politics. This has caused people to lose focus on issues that are also important in the United States. I’ve been a part of the American education system nearly my who life, and I think its fair to say that it is definitely a flawed system. Grades are valued over actual intelligence and people are pressured into learning information that may be useful and other information that will only help them if they’re ever in a game of Jeopardy.

First off focusing on the education itself there is a myriad of problems that never seem to be addressed. One of the major gripes I have with the education system is the teaching of history classes. History when taught has an extreme nationalistic American bias, and while it may be like this every country that doesn't justify it. If are really want to have prosperous future we need an accurate description of the past flaws and all, not a description that only highlights the positives and ignores the negatives. History is doomed to repeat itself if we don’t allow ourselves to learn from it. The issue of sex education or lack there of is also a problem in the school system. Yea theres education about things like the difference between a sex and a vagina, but theres no actual sex education. Schools would rather pretend that sex doesn't exist and instead of teaching the value and importance of safe sex all they do is fear monger with things like std’s and pregnancy. Fear mongering will not step people from having sex, and if their going to have it they might as well know how to be safe about it.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is the social aspect of school. Bullying is obviously an issue in younger grades although thats an issue where parents need to take responsibility and teach their children to be respectful to others. It is unacceptable however when schools do nothing about bullying and just act as bystanders, its also unacceptable when a schools staff itself becomes the bully enforcing dress codes onto students that are unreasonable. Sure kids shouldn't show up naked to school but over the top things like forcing girls to wear something else because it might become a distraction to boys is ridiculous. If their easily distracted by a shoulder its on them.

There are so many other issues like controversies about budget cuts, whether common core is effective, college tuition prices, and the ability of some children to even get a quality public education with lots of schools not being able to provide whats needed for learning. Countless issues need to be addressed and I hope that they are addressed sooner rather than later.

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