I would rather not swim at all, than have to take my shirt off at the pool and have to show my stomach.
Sadly, this is a reality for a lot of women. The obsession with a flat stomach is one that I have seen prevalent in my life for as long as I can remember. The practice of "sucking it in" in order to appear thinner started in elementary school and has even translated to my life at college. At one point, I literally did not bring a swimsuit to a pool party and just said I forgot it because I was so afraid to show my stomach.
In the media, women are bombarded with the ideal that if you want to be the epitome of beauty, you need to have a flat stomach. The idea that you need a flat stomach in order to be "fit" or "beautiful" or whatever else is out there is a false and a superficial beauty standard. The desire for a flat stomach has fueled more than enough women's magazines and has caused more than enough women to stop themselves in the mirror and pinch their stomach in disgust.
The thing about having a flat stomach is that, having one in no way entails fitness. You don't become better at kicking a soccer ball because of a flat stomach. You don't lift heavier weights because you have a flat stomach. You don't run faster because you have a flat stomach. Core strength does not equal a flat stomach. You can have the strongest core in the world and still have a roll on your stomach.
Believe it or not, a flat stomach comes from discipline in the kitchen, not working out. I am someone who definitely enjoys their fair amount of fries and milkshakes and detests salads. I would choose a big bowl of mac and cheese over some avocado on wheat toast. (Yes, the avocado on toast would make a better Instagram picture, but my taste buds don't care about likes.) Working towards greater health is definitely something everyone should work towards, but it should be done because of your general well-being, not because the beauty standard of flat abs.
While having the discipline to eat well and attain flat abs is admirable, I have finally come to the conclusion that I am no less a person for not having a perfectly flat stomach, and I would be no more of a person if I did have a flat stomach.