A female not wanting a relationship is like a mole fraction that is greater than one...it doesn't add up. Females are becoming more independent and liberated than ever before. Yet, with all this progress, I am still considered abnormal for wanting to be single. Now, do I have a fear of commitment? Sure. But, is this my only reason for not wanting to be in a relationship? No. There are many benefits to staying a single woman.
For starters, you get to know who you are a person and what your goals are in life. Serial daters never get to know what it’s like to just be by themselves. As a perpetually single woman, I can tell you that I know exactly who I am. I have discovered my weaknesses, my strengths, and my aspirations in life. I know what I want to do with my life and to be honest, a boyfriend is just not really in my plans. I’m not the only woman who feels like this. There are many females who are staying single and focusing on themselves for awhile. Self-discovery is just one of many perks that the single life has to offer.
Independence is a beautiful bonus that being a single woman has to offer. I don’t need a man to stand up for me when I have a problem. I don’t need my boyfriend to pay for my meal because, honey, I have a job, and I can pay for myself. And, I can sure as hell walk myself back from the Tech Center at 3 a.m. (because boyfriends are good, but pepper spray is better).
Freedom is another benefit of the single life. I never have to worry about texting someone every day. I don't have to share my food, which is something I would never do unless you were the love of my life. And, best of all, I can go wherever I want, when I want, with whomever I want.
My life is blissfully uncomplicated. Relationships create drama and problems. Being single means you don't have to have pointless fights about liking that guy's picture on Instagram or not replying to that text in a timely fashion. Being relationship-less has no effect on one's life. Except for those pesky little comments that you get to hear from others (mom, I'm talking to you).
If a girl wants to stay single and just keep things casual, she's considered a slut or damaged in some way. However, it is perfectly normal for a guy to be single in college and go out to parties and "dance" (and I use that term loosely) with girls. I'm not gonna say that we have a sexist outlook on relationships, but we have a gendered outlook on relationships. Guys have been out here playing the bachelor part for years. Now, it's women's turn to join in on the fun. I solemnly swear that being a single female is worth all the shit you get from your friends and family. So, if you're not in a relationship, just know that it's okay and you'll survive.
To all my single ladies out there, go get your education and make your own money. I promise that you'll be better off.