This is probably the most important time in my life. I am a semester away from graduating. I’m in the process of writing my senior thesis that I will be defending in two months time. I have responsibilities that make everything, that should be a priority, harder to deal with.
So taking a little break shouldn’t be a crime. Right?
Working through late night mental blocks and energy depletion is a college student’s best trait. I don’t remember wishing to be great at this when I first started college, but it has definitely gotten me to the point I am now. I am a master at writing papers the night before it’s due. I have grown accustomed to this. Time management has never been my best quality and knowing that I get things done last minute, and they always end up working out, has made my procrastination level rise steadily through my time at school.
I thought my last year of high school was rough. But college was a completely different level of ridiculous. My excuses for pushing work to the side progressed to borderline idiotic. Anything that I could come up with to not touch my syllabus or computer was considered a win. Procrastination had taken a hold of me and it took me until the beginning of this year to realize how much I had held myself back.
How could I consider my work respectable if I had given minimal effort to everything I had submitted up until to this point? Procrastination was my crutch. It was my partner in crime. But I really had to let go.
You know when you love something but it isn’t good for you? But you can’t seem to fully let go? Well that is procrastination and I this semester. I know I have to write constantly and work on my senior thesis at a pace that will be my biggest challenge to date. But I want to be in my safe place with my dumb excuses as to why my work can wait.
But I know I can’t. This laziness has to end. For my thesis, my future degree, and myself. This is a time where I need to fully commit. Otherwise I’m going to find myself very lonely with only procrastination there to suppress my dreams for the rest of my life.
I definitely don’t want that so this semester will be my final goodbye to the one thing that has drained me for far too long. It’s finally time to get serious.