I had a lot of trouble coming up with a topic for this week's article. I didn't have anything specific I wanted to write about or anything that I needed to get off my chest so I am just going to tell you what I think (or hope) my life might be like in the year 2023.
In about five years, I should be getting really close to graduating law school. I will just be entering my last semester of the "best years of my life" and I will probably be freaking out about actually having to enter the real world. I will be sitting in my apartment or house or wherever thinking to myself "Wow, I never thought this day would come." Five years seems so far away, but in reality, I turned 20 this year and when I was 10 I thought it would feel like a million years before I hit that next decade mark. Just yesterday I swear I was in Woodstock doing dumb 10 year old stuff like ding dong ditching the neighbors (sorry old neighbors). Honestly, who knows if I will even end up in law school. We'll know in about three and a half years.
In about five years, I should be fluent in Chinese. I will have already completed my study abroad over in China and I will have already received my minor in the language. I will have already immersed myself in the culture and maybe not sound like such a country white boy when I speak it like I do now.
In about five years, my list of countries that I have been to will be just a little over 100. That might be wishful thinking, but sometimes you just gotta speak it into existence. Maybe before I even hit those five years, I will have loved a country so much I just stay there. Maybe during these five years, my YouTube Channel will explode and I'll just be hitting a million subscribers and maybe my Instagram will be blowing up and I'll be well over five million followers. Maybe I'll even find a permanent travel partner by then.
In about five years, with my ambition, I might just be a millionaire. Whether I am or not, money doesn't make a difference to me. As long as I am happy with my current situation and my integrity and morals aren't compromised, everything will always be alright.
In about five years, I probably will not be married. Getting married in the middle of law school? Not ideal. Getting married with someone who doesn't like to travel? Not ideal. Not being able to just drop everything and leave in a split second and go anywhere in the world whenever I want? Not ideal. Granted, if the right girl comes along, you best believe I am not letting that opportunity go. Maybe I find the one who is exactly like me. Hey, weirder things have happened.
In about five years, NONE of this could be true and I could be halfway around the world working in a pizza shop in Italy living my best life married to an Italian Victoria Secret supermodel named Bianca with three kids and a pet iguana. I just plan to live my life as is and continue to do me and work hard. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know watcha gonna get. Shoutout to Forrest Gump.