Going to the beach is one of the best summer pastimes. Who wouldn't love the soft sad, salty air, clear blue water, and the bonus of getting a nice tan? Although people don't usually think this, there is a such thing as beach etiquette. No one likes anyone else to hinder their relaxing day off. You all know who I'm talking about; the screaming kids, the people who think they are Gods gift to earth so they talk so LOUD you cant even hear yourself think, and the like. So in order to be a good beachgoer, here is a list of the 5 WORST types of people at the beach. So if you fall into any of these categories, please reevaluate.
1. The Screaming Children
If this is you, I doubt you can even read this. If these are your children, please corral them. I love kids don't get me wrong, but when ya girl is trying to take a nap on the beach and four screaming toddlers run by and fling sand all over me, I will trip them. Sorry not sorry.
2. Sand-Flingers
It should kind of already be an unspoken rule that once you get to the beach and hit sand, TAKE YOUR FLIP FLOPS OFF. If you don't, you will fling sand about 3 feet in the air which will then go all over the people you're walking past. I bet you dont like the sand getting all over you, and I guarantee people like the sand getting all over them a hell of a lot less. So do us all a favor, would ya?
3. Smokers
I'm not against smoking (even though you're giving yourself lung cancer, but you do you) but all I ask is that you just don't smoke on the beach. Regardless of if there is a no smoking policy or not, please just don't do it. There's kids around, not to mention dropping butts on the beach is disgusting and horrible for the environment. If I wanted to smell the disgusting scent of nicotine burning a hole through your lungs, I'd just light one up myself. But I didn't. So please, take it somewhere else.
4. Music Blasters
Okay this one is a little hard to control. Sometimes you really don't know if your music is too loud or not, I get it. But if you're blasting music in the middle of the beach with families around you, I guarantee they hate you as much as I would. Either turn it down, put in headphones, or do us all a favor and play some Sublime or Country.
5. The Athletes
At first glance, these people aren't event that bad. I'm one of them, honestly. But the difference between me and the bad athletes are the fact that they have no regard for others. You know the type; the college guys playing soccer and not giving two shits if their rogue ball knocks over a sandcastle a little girl has been building all day. Or the guys playing football that really shouldn't be, because neither of them can catch and the ball lands near you, or on you, more times than in their hands. If you are one of the up and active types at the beach, just make sure you're not near anyone, and that you can actually catch whatever you're throwing. But if you cant, don't worry, I can show you.
There's nothing I love more than going to the beach. The refreshing water, hot sand, and not to mention the enjoyment of people watching. The beach is one of the most relaxing things you can do during the hot summer months, so please, don't be one of these types of people that ruins everyone else's experience.