If you are like me, you know that this election season comes at a price to your sanity. Everyday a new horror, anxiety-inducing scenario emerges, whether it be a breaking news story or someone that forgets that people are humans. Unfortunately, it can become extremely difficult to see the beauty outside the fear and heightened emotions. For those of us that are highly anxious this political season, I have chosen to craft a list of five ways to get through these next few months.
1. Find something mindless
I’m talking Sex and the City, Jessica Jones, and some Grey’s Anatomy. I am talking a quirky book or silly games. You have to care for yourself, and sometimes listening to Carrie complain about Big not calling her back is the perfect means to pull yourself out of the election hole.
(Bonus: I also find that these moments are best paired with apple tea sweetened with a smidgen of honey or a bit of Benny and Jerry’s Tonight Dough ice cream.)
2. Read a Star Wars novel
Yes, I mentioned before the idea of reading a book, but seriously, you need to pick up a Star Wars novel. Within the confines of a Star Wars novel, there is action, romance, political thrill, danger and sacrifice. It is like the real world, except that there are droids and aliens, Han Solo and Mara Jade, Hapans and Madalorians which makes it twenty-five thousand times better. If you grew up watching Star Wars and find yourself unable to hear more about the impending demise of the United States, go track down a copy of Honor Among Thieves.
3. Go listen to “Surfin’” by Kid Cudi with Pharrell Williams
Right now. I will wait. Yes, that was a swear word you just heard, do not freak. Listen to that Pharrell inspired horn section. Also, please dance a little bit.
I believe that music can be a balm and in the way that Samantha and Charlotte arguing can make you swallow life a little bit easier, so can a good song. If you find yourself unable to find more music, my other favorite fun songs this season has been “Should I Stay or Should I Go” by the Clash, “Why Do You Let Me Stay Here” by She and Him, and “Velcro” by Clairity.
Find a song, craft a playlist, and maybe go listen to “Surfin’ ” one more time.
4. Get out and about
Go get some exercise. Find a friend and explore a museum. Try a new restaurant. Find out what the fall weather is like outside. Take the typical photo of your coffee and watch the hipsters ooh and aah. Find a funky pair of socks to flaunt this winter. Above all, learn to see the beauty in the little things.
5. Find your place of peace and joy
This is something that my counselor told me about, and it is something that I try to practice when I get severely overwhelmed without the ability to escape. Think about the place, the time, the moment, where you felt most happy or at peace and think about every nuance of it. For example, if I need to escape, I take a few breaths, and I start describing my moment to my brain. I talk about the feel of the breeze, the water lapping over my feet. I talk about so many other elements that encompasses the most peaceful moment of my life. It is an easy way to calm down in the moment before our brain spirals out into anxiety.
Though I believe this five things can bring immense quick relief, they cannot bring an end to the election season. If you do not walk away with any other knowledge, walk away knowing this. Election season is temporary, and one day this will not occur for again for the next four years. Know that there is good in people and in the world, and that sometimes it is hard for all of us to remember that part. We’ve got this, my friend—you, me, Pharrell, Samantha, Jessica Jones, and Boba Fett.