As someone who does not particularly enjoy working out, I have had to learn to tolerate it. It really helps my mood and my anxiety, as well as boosting my body image when I am active. Becoming more physically active in my daily life, although it doesn’t always happen, has taken learning new strategies to work effectively. So, I thought I would share some of these strategies for those of you who loathe working out like I do. You might not learn to love working out, but at least you won’t hate it more than anything ever.
1. Find a workout buddy
This way, you both are able to hold each other accountable. Also, it may help having someone there to provide moral support. Besides, it gives you an excuse to hang out with a good friend and get to know them better than you already do. This way, you already have a spotter for if you try to brave the weight room.
2. Try different activities
Switching up your workout may be, surprisingly, fun. Instead of running on the treadmill and hating every second, try the elliptical. Or you can get even more adventurous, and try something new like racquetball or (my personal favorite) swimming laps. Some activities may even be sort of relaxing.
3. Build the workout into your class schedule
Either schedule a specific time to work out, or actually take a class at your school that is a fitness class. This way, you are more
motivated to go work out because you have to for a class. This is currently how I am managing a workout almost every day of the week, and it works really well for me.
4. Multitask
Things like running on a treadmill or an elliptical can be boring and monotonous, but if you combine your
exercise with something you enjoy, it might not be the worst thing on the planet. The next time you want to watch
Netflix and lounge around, try watching Netflix while you are on the elliptical. That way, you can burn calories and be active while doing something you enjoy. Also, I have found that keeping your mind active while working out helps distract from the burning sensation in your entire body. A personal favorite of mine is watching "Jeopardy" or "
Family Guy." Jeopardy makes me think, and Family Guy makes me laugh instead of crying when I work out.
5. When all else fails, find a motivational playlist
If you just can’t watch TV or read while you exercise, you can at least find some music that makes you not want to die. My personal favorite motivational playlist is Ass Shaking on Spotify. It makes me feel sassy and motivated.
Have a "fun" workout!