I knew moving away from home and going to college would be challenging, but I wasn't aware of how draining it can be sometimes. Even though I'm only about an hour away from home, living on campus was a big life adjustment. Through the ups and downs of my freshman year, I learned how to stay focused and somewhat keep my life together while keeping a good social life balance. It takes time to figure out how to manage life on your own, and at times you may doubt yourself, but don't! Everything will eventually fall into place once you find your own groove. Until the, here are some ideas on how to keep it together.
1. Find your people
I know this sounds so cliché, but I cannot stress this enough... FIND THEM! Having a support system is so important to surviving college. When you're having a bad day or just looking for someone to hang with, you need a go-to group of people. There's plenty of ways to meet new people in college, including joining clubs, Greek Life, study groups and many other opportunities. Take advantage of what is offered because you never know what could happen. I met my best friend right in my dorm building of all places!
2. Keep a planning system
Whether you use a planner, phone reminders or a calendar, use whatever works best for you. I know keeping track of all the homework and events you have to attend can be overwhelming, but I promise you, if you write them down somewhere, you can forget stressing over whether or not you forgot to do something.
3. Don't overbook yourself
This may seem hard to do, but try not give yourself too much in one day! Don't worry, it's not the end of the world if you don't complete every assignment in one day or you can't go to dinner with your friends. Make sure you don't spread yourself too thin or else your stress levels will most likely be at an all-time high. As much as I wanted to participate in everything possible this year, sometimes I had to prioritize so I didn't drive myself crazy.
4. Take personal study breaks
Yes, school always comes first and is extremely important, but trust me, a few hours to give yourself a rest is sometimes needed. Whether it's dinner with friends or just a few Netflix episodes, you'll thank me for this. Oh, and don't worry, the “Freshman 15” is not real with all the walking on campus. It's important to remember to take care of yourself, so don't forget that while you're busy working hard.
5. Find your stress outlet
Release your stress! For me, working out helps a lot when I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Not everything is going to be easy, so if you can manage your stress it will only help! Mental health is hard to keep in check during school time due to all of life's responsibilities, but finding your outlet will always help you feel fresh and in control.