Let's face it, we all have stress in our lives and we all handle it in different ways. Some of us (the lucky ones) thrive on stress and end up succeeding under all the pressure but others tend to shut down and refuse to do anything about it. Stress really isn't a fair feeling for those of us who can't handle it well because it makes us do things we regret and holds us back from new opportunities. Even though it is near impossible to eliminate all of the stress in your life there are a few, simple ways to decrease it in order to live a happier life. If your life is more stressful than usual don't worry! Here are 5 easy ways to reduce stress while improving your lifestyle.
1. Self care.
Before we take care of anything else, we must take care of ourselves. This means doing things you enjoy that are relaxing and most importantly stress-free. It can be along the lines of taking a bubble bath, having a spa day, eating a sweet, doing yoga or dressing in clothes you love. Something that eases your mind and allows you to think of things other than that math test you have tomorrow or making your car payment. We cannot work non stop without a break and activities like these are perfect when you're in need of some downtime.
2. To-do lists.
To-do lists can be a huge lifesaver when it comes to organizing your daily tasks. It is an easy way to remember everything you have to complete and the feeling you get when erasing tasks off of the list after completing them is very satisfying. An effective way to make a to-do list is to put the short and simple tasks at the top of the list because they are easy to finish and it minimizes the size of the list and your stress quickly. Using a to-do list will help you stay in check with what you need to get done and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.
3. Physical Activity.
One of the best ways to unload unbearable stress is physical exercise. Sometimes when you become caught up in your thoughts and it all becomes too much, you are not going to calm down until you sweat it all out. Some good mind clearing exercises include hiking, biking, dancing or running. They take no thought at all and can help you get out any frustration or stress that is pent up inside of you. Once you finish your exercise, you will be able to focus more on what you were trying to accomplish and your anxiety will begin to subside.
4. Choose the right friends.
One big stressor that we struggle with daily is drama. It often comes from the people we surround ourselves with. We all have had those friends who can create drama out of any situation and as hard as it can be, sometimes you're better off keeping your distance from them. If this isn't possible at least stay in the drama free zone and try to focus on other things to discuss. When you have strong, supportive friends who bring you happiness, your stress level will decrease because you will feel more stable.
5. Spend less time on your phone.
Spending less time on your phone and more time in the real world will minimize your stress in many ways. Firstly, the more you're on your phone the less time you have to complete your daily tasks and at the end of the day that can be very overwhelming. In addition, If you have a social media account (we all have one), it is very easy to get caught up in how many followers or likes you get on your posts which is of very small importance and is not something worth stressing over. Decreasing the time spent on your phone will help you accomplish more throughout the day and change your perception on social media which leads to a less stressful environment.
We will all be stressed out from time to time and that's okay but it doesn't mean that we have to be all the time. As long as you stay on task, know when to take a break and take care of yourself at the same time, you can have a simple and happy lifestyle.