Walking through a retail store during the holiday season is a very stressful chore that many people wish they could avoid. At the expense of buying gifts for their loved ones, holiday shoppers cannot help but flood the aisles of their favorite stores such as Walmart, Target, and their local shopping malls. Once you walk through those doors and begin crossing items off your list, make sure you keep your eye out for these typical holiday shoppers:
Moms on a mission
These women won’t stop for anyone – not even their own children. They push their shopping carts as if there’s no one else in their way. They push you aside to get an item that is fully stocked. They touch every single loaf of bread just to make sure they get a fresher one than you do. They scream louder than their own children as they misbehave – some even threaten their kids with no presents from Santa. Christmas shopping turns the average mother into a vengeful warrior. Stay out of their way and if you’re lucky, they won’t look you in the eye.
The lost dads
We see you, Mark, on aisle 29, and no – your 13-year-old daughter does NOT want a hunting knife for Christmas.
The grandmas who escaped the reindeer
I know, it’s a mystery to us all, but you can’t miss them. One minute you’ll be making your way down an aisle, passing flushed faces, walking briskly, and you’re check-out bound when all of a sudden you fall into a pace that feels like rush hour in Los Angeles. Stay strong, my friends. The end is near.
Children under 48 inches who are not accompanied by an adult at all times
If I wanted to be spit on, run into, and crowded, I’d get a job at a daycare or spend an afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese. A quick trip to Walmart turns into an obstacle course when kids are hopping through the store without any supervision.
The pre-teens who are shopping for all 16 of their friends on a $15.00 budget
You’ll find these eager shoppers in the center aisles of the holiday section, where boxes of hot cocoa and tubes of Chap Stick never seemed like cool gifts until now.
If you wish to avoid shopping with this variety, check out Amazon's website for some great holiday deals, or even Pinterest if you're feeling crafty.