Five Types Of Fraternity Rushes | The Odyssey Online
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Five Types Of Fraternity Rushes

Five Types Of Fraternity Rushes

The general perception, when it comes to recruitment and rush, is that fraternities have it much easier than sororities. While this is probably true, that does not mean that the unstructured madness that is fraternity rush is easy. 

As a member of a fraternity, it is still difficult to meet hundreds of new people and make a solid judgment on what they are like. The only way to really make a good judgment about someone is to get to know him, but there are a few types of people you will, undoubtedly, meet during rush so this list should make the process just a little bit easier.

The active’s younger brother

Being a brother means being a member of a particular fraternity, doesn’t it? Well this rush seems to think so. When this rush walks into the room, it will be the only time during rush that he knows you, before you know him; and he’ll make sure you know this. Your time spent talking to this rush will be full of uncomfortably close bro hugs and comments that scream, “I’m way to comfortable.” The moment will come when this rush receives a bid card, but in his mind that moment came the second his older brother activated.

The business man

This rush knows that brotherhood doesn’t end upon graduation. He's carrying a detailed list of the fraternity of every CEO of  Fortune 500 company. The fact that he carefully planned out his route through the rush barbecue, based on which house will most likely help him with a job, rather than where he actually might fit in, will be clear as soon as you strike up a conversation. Do your best to be extra polite as you struggle to answer his detailed questions about your house’s operating budget and notable alumni, because he could be your boss some day.

The attractive female’s younger brother

Nothing one-ups buying a beautiful woman a drink quite like getting her younger brother a bid to your fraternity. This idea will definitely be in the mind of whichever desperate upperclassman brings the last chance he has at the girl he’s been chasing since freshman year to all of your rush events. As the rush awkwardly walks around and fails to connect with any of the brothers, you will have to explain to the desperate upperclassman that, sometimes, someone just doesn’t fit in -- no matter how hot they think his sister is.

The high school athlete

Donning a high school football weightlifting cut-off by day, and skintight t-shirt by night, this rush will make sure you know that he was All-Conference not once, but twice. While you may have never thought you would actually have a conversation with Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite, you will appreciate how easy it is to make conversation with this rush as he rambles on about his jump shot, 20 minutes after you asked him which dorm he lives him.

The party man

Fresh off a senior year in high school full of Animal House reruns and unrealistic expectations, this rush came to college for one thing. You will try to explain to this rush that a fraternity’s social calendar is one small part of what makes a house unique, but his next question will still be about the location of the beer troth. If you can make it through this rush’s visit to your house without your risk manager suffering a heart attack, consider yourself lucky and politely ask him not to return. 

Did we miss any? Let us know!

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