- The World Isn’t Going to Change for You
- Apply Logic and Analyze Your Insecurities
- You aren’t perfect, I’m not perfect, no one is perfect.
- Know Yourself Before You Attack Your External Issues
- Force yourself to not dwell on the past, and don’t fantasize about what the future should be, focus on the now
1.You can blame whomever you’d like, or whatever you want, but at the end of the day, you’re the one feeling like shit, and the one thing you can control is how you perceive your life.
2.A little bit of logical reasoning can go a long way. Analyze the way you feel when you feel the feelings you don’t want to have. Here is a personal example, I feel insecure when I go outside without putting gel in my hair. Apply logic and analyze that insecurity. I feel insecure because I’m going out into the public not looking as good as I want. Why do I want to look a certain way? That’s the analyzing aspect, now the logic aspect is much easier. Who is going to stop and laugh at my hair? No one that’s who. Analyzing and applying logic can go far in terms of self-recognition.
3.Take some time to just accept that you are going to make mistakes. If you’re smart, you’ll learn from your mistakes. It’s that simple. If you strive for perfection, you’ll never get there, if everyone was perfect, there wouldn’t be conflict in the world. So the sooner the realization, the more content you’ll be. Accept that you’re flawed, and your flaws can make you beautiful in your own individual way.
4.This one is harder than it sounds. Personally, I don’t think anyone can every fully know who they are, you can’t identify every thinking pattern you possess. I recently came to the realization that no matter where I go, I won’t be happy unless I change my thinking processes. This goes along with the last three points, if you attack your problems with hostility because you feel like shit, then those problems will evolve and become worse, so the more you identify your own self, the more likely you can feel more confident in being able to solve your issues.
5.This one was the hardest for me personally, I would get so worked up about being sad for so long, or I would fantasize about how these negative experiences would mean I would have an amazing future. The thing is, that’s not how life works. There are so many factors in your future that can change, so fantasizing about the perfect future isn’t going to work. Focus on what you’re feeling now, the now is the only factor that you have the most control of.