When disappointment happens, it honestly sucks. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives. Maybe it’s not getting the job that you wanted, having people bail out on plans at the last minute, or even having a loss at something. As bad as it can feel, I am here with some tips on how to handle disappointment.
1. Talk to someone about it
I know, that sounds like some pretty generic advice. Believe me when I say that it does work. When we are facing disappointment, we try to not show it so it does not seem like we are really bothered by it. That is the worst thing that you could do! If you are disappointed, you should talk about it with someone. It can be a family member or even a friend. Talking about it helps you get it off your chest by giving you a good outlet to get it out.
2. Learn from it
Whenever we learn disappointing news, the last thing we want to be told is to try and make it a learning experience. Learning from whatever disappointment you faced can be quite useful. If you do this, it does help with learning where things might have gone wrong and how you can improve on that for the future. Learning from your past mistakes can be quite helpful in preparing you for situations like these in the future.
3. Have your moment of frustration
This goes back to the whole problem of trying to act like the disappointing news is not bothering you. If you internalize your feelings about it, it can lead to you getting more frustrated and can bring a whole lot of unnecessary stress in your life. When you face disappointment, have your moment to be upset about it. It can be healthy to get all your feelings out in the moment, it is not healthy to ignore them and let them continue to bother you.
4. Find an outlet to channel frustration into something productive
Again, this goes back to the whole point of finding a way to get your emotions out. Even though you can get frustrated about something, you should take that frustration and channel it through an outlet of some kind. Maybe it’s going to be talking to a friend; maybe you decide to take a quick run or try to work even harder to be successful in life. There are plenty of ways you can take your frustration and channel it into something productive.
5. Move forward
I don’t need to use a lot of verbs for this tip. Like I said, disappointment sucks for everyone who has faced it. That doesn’t mean that we should let it weigh us down. Instead of thinking back on it, move forward. There are times when we want to just let our frustration weigh us down. Instead of that, move forward. There are plenty of good things going on in your life that you can focus on instead of dwelling on disappointment.
These are just a few ways that you can handle disappointment. It is something that sadly is unavoidable in our lives. However, it’s what we choose to do after it that is most important.