Election season can be stressful on the American public, what with all the controversy and confusion and just downright competitiveness that goes down. That’s why I’ve gathered a list of the top five tips you should follow this year if you want to survive to November 8.
1) Get caught up.
Everyone knew that this was Obama’s last term in office, but never mind that. If you’ve waited until September to start looking into our top two candidates, have no fear! Join the rest of the American population and start your research now, just weeks before Election Day!
2) Follow the candidates on Twitter.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two candidates that are hip with the times. They use Twitter at all hours of the day to convey their most commonly asked questions, and absolutely love engaging with the public behind their screens! If you want to stay in the know and get all the facts, it is imperative you give them a follow. Oh, and remember to read all the comments, too. Bonus points for replying to random people over the internet.
3) Argue with people as often as possible.
America is the land of the free, and by that, I mean free speech. Exercise yours as soon as possible and get aggressive. You don’t need to use facts; your opinions are just as good as the next guy. Make sure that whatever you do say, you back yourself up with credible sources like Buzzfeed and YouTube, for God’s sake. If you’re not the arguing type, try out ostracizing your family; it’s baby steps, but it will send the message you want and show them how much more you know than they do.
4) Show your spirit.
If you love a candidate and you know it, show it! Buy all you can in support, like bumper stickers, t-shirts, and most importantly the lawn signs. I have never seen a lawn sign I didn’t like. It adds curb appeal while deterring neighbors that you don’t want on your property. And have you ever sat behind a car at a stoplight just admiring the endless bumper stickers on the bumper in front of you? I know I have.
5) Stay active on social media as often as possible.
Knowing you’re right about something is quite possibly the best feeling in the world. If you’ve really hit the nail on the head about one of the candidates, update your Facebook status. Hear about some scandal about the candidate? Update your Facebook status. Uncover a shocking conspiracy? Update that Facebook status! Your friends and family will thank your commitment to this country by voicing every little thing that runs through your head (or news feed). Type away!
That concludes the top five tips I have for you for the remainder of this election, and just remember; if this seems like too much effort for you, simply don’t vote! You’ll get ‘em next time. Besides, someone else will probably take care of it anyway.