There comes a time in life in which every student must transition into a young professional. Entering the adult-world can be a bit intimidating in terms of finding full-time employment, but there are many ways that one can prepare themselves ahead of time in order to guarantee professional success. Below are some tips that can aid in the process of becoming a poised profession in just a matter of time.
1. Whip Up a Resume of a Champion.
Though you may already have a resume saved on your computer from a previous job or position that you applied for, it is imperative that you keep this document as current as possible. A resume is simply a presentation of your background and skill set to another but on paper. This document can make or break an initial impression of a potential employer or network connection. If there is a position or occupation that you want, and they don't necessarily fall into the same field, it's always a good idea to have multiple versions of resumes catered to your area of desired work saved and ready to go. Always having a fresh resume on-hand or saved on your smartphone can benefit you in the long-run when you meet someone that can help you out in the employment field.
2. Carry a Business Card.
Sometimes it's not always realistic to have an updated resume with you when you're in need of distributing it to another person. That's why having business cards on you is an amazing alternative. These cards can fit right in your wallet or purse without any problem, at any time of the day. There's an infinite number of people that we can meet on a daily basis. Whether we are at school, work, grocery shopping, we have the possibility to constantly network with those around us. Even if you don't have a company that you're employed with that you'd like to display on a card, make a plain business card with your name and contact information that you can hand out to someone. You never know who you're going to meet, and handing out a business card can make a polished first impression for any young professional.
3. Take Notes at Your Jobs.
Being employed is possibly one of the greatest privileges that one can have; taking advantage of this opportunity is another. You may have a job right now, or some type of position in an organization. If you do not, you've probably had one already or are bound to have another soon. One of the most beneficial skill sets that we learn in school involves taking notes. We do it or have done it in school so frequently that we often pause this action when it comes to our jobs. I have been writing notes about the jobs that I've had for years; anything I've ever thought was important I have written down. In my spare time, I've jotted down strengths and weaknesses in the employees that I've worked with, as well as things that I could improve on. This can help you focus on understanding the work ethics of others, as well as your own and can benefit you in future employment positions.
4. Watch TED Talks.
If you aren't familiar with them already, TED Talks have been sweeping the professional nation for years. These popular videos feature expert speakers that discuss a wide array of topics in front of massive audiences. Professional advice is a talking point that is found in a high percentage of the TED Talks that have already been conducted. If you're looking for a little extra inspiration, or for someone to relate to you, there is surely a TED Talk in which you can connect with the speaker and apply the lessons discussed in the chats. To find these videos that discuss some of life's most prominent pitfalls and triumphs, you may look on YouTube or
5. Know the LinkedIn Lingo.
LinkedIn is one of the top professional sites for social networking. If you do not already possess a profile on this website, it would be incredibly beneficial to create one, as its usage is getting increasingly popular among employers. As LinkedIn provides an opportunity for professionals to display their identity in the working world, it also gives companies the chance to see what one has to offer in terms of skill sets and work experience. Having a LinkedIn account that has updated information can be extremely helpful when applying for jobs, or networking with others in general. The profile that you possess can allow others to endorse you for your professional abilities and talents. Networking, job applications, and storytelling are some of the other professional features that this site has to offer.
The tips mentioned may seem a little "basic" if you will, but they are also common actions taken by many students that aspire to be young professionals. Familiarizing oneself with this career-oriented advice can aid in the transition of networking with others and achieving a particular dream or career goal. It's never too early to be prepared for the job you'd like, or connections that you will eventually make with certain people.