Going back to school is an exciting time for all, from the smell of new school supplies, to a few new wardrobe pieces, to the best new room decor. It doesn't matter what classification you are (freshman, sophomore etc.) Everyone loves room decor. For freshman, college is a time to reinvent, explore, and for finally getting the chance to redo their room after they've had Justin Bieber wallpaper up since seventh grade, because at that time it was the cool thing to do. For upperclassman, new room decor means finding that perfect pillow or plant that accents a room (sounds lame now, but just wait). Or even redecorating a whole room when moving from dorm to dorm or to an apartment or house (and trust me, decorating for more than one room can get complicated). So here are some little tips and tricks to help decorate your new "humble abode."
1. Avoid Losing Your Keys
Trust me, tearing your whole room apart to find your keys is no fun, especially when you're running late for class. What is even worse is that after a long day of classes, homework, and social life, you have to clean up the mess you made in your room 12 hours earlier. So my one major tip: INVEST in ANYTHING so you wont lose your keys! It can be as simple as a command hook, to as extravagant as a message board with hooks! Either way, buy something to save you the morning hassle: it will save you at least three days out of every week!
Via fortikur.com
2. Comfy Furniture
Bottom line: no one likes stiff, yucky, uncomfortable furniture! Personally, I like quality over quantity – I'd rather have two nice comfy chairs than six disgusting ones that no one wants to sit on! I suggest everyone to do their research and ask your friends, classmates and sorority sisters what kind of furniture they like and where they bought it from. Most likely, you'll be able to find your perfect items instead of regretting something you bought. Personally, I love shopping at Pottery Barn Teen. Not only is it fun to get lost in their magazines, but they have amazing, quality, and affordable furniture. Not only do they supply great products; they also have great ideas for DYI decor, and inspiring bedroom themes!
Via pbteen.com
3. Calming Colors
When you're first deciding your colors for your new room, you automatically think of your favorite color. For me, mine was pink...Therefore, I thought everything I bought had to be pink, because it would all match, right? WRONG! You need to find a nice palette of colors that go well together, so you can mix and match and not live in a sea of pinks. I also suggest staying away from neon colors, only because in a small space they can look extremely obnoxious! Be mindful of the space you have, and don't go over board with one color!
Via https://www.pinterest.com/studentrate/dorm-room-tr...
4. Christmas Everyday of the Year!
Bottom Line: Christmas lights make everything better. They make you happy, and they save on electricity. (Which only really matters if you're paying for your own electricity.)
Via collegefashion.net
5. A Little Inspiration Everywhere
Put quotes around your space that inspire you, make you feel good about yourself, and are uplifting. Not only does this lift your spirits when you need it the most, but it also makes your morning and first thoughts after you wake up positive! I love finding quotes online and then cutting bubble letters out of magazines – its cheap, easy and you don't have to be Vincent Van Gogh to complete the project!
Via pintrest.com
At the end of the day, have fun decorating your new home, whether it be for a semester or the next four years!