Ah, finals week. The time of stress and studying. And no time to hang out with friends! Here are a few things that happen during finals week:
1. Everything feels like hell, but you're trying to stay cool
You have one final. Then the next. And the next. The cycle of final and studying just never ends.
2. Everything is due all at once
Everything is due the week before or maybe some of it is due when you walk into that final. And you have to do all that work on top of studying and everything.3. You just want the final to be over before it even started
Especially the class you hate the most.
4. Sleep. Literally you just want to sleep
You're just exhausted from all that studying you do and the finals themselves.
5. You feel a small victory after every final
You're just so happy that finals are over and done with and the semester is done with.