Donald Trump won the presidency on the slogan "make America great again"- of what that entails, I am unsure. He is a businessman, so perhaps he plans to help our financial issues? He also seems very fond of reforming the immigration and healthcare policies.
Maybe he will make America great again, and maybe he won't. But what I've realized is no one person can actually make America great again, and if we want to be a brave nation of caring citizens, we have to change. So, if you actually want to make America great again, then I challenge you to do one, if not all, of the following five things. The difference that you can make in your own life, as well as other's lives, will be astounding.
Let's make the change.
1. Learn a new language.
Many Americans have the mentality of "this is America, learn English". Not very inviting, is it? Other countries require their students to completely learn at least one foreign language before graduation. For instance, most citizens of French are able to speak English, Spanish, and even German. So whether it be Spanish, French, or even American Sign Language- learning a new language not only broadens your mind, but opens new doors for you to get new jobs, travel to new places, and make connections with new people.
2. Further your education.
Whether you decide to go to a university, attend a weekly class at your local community college, take online classes, or simply download an app, anything you do to further your education will not only greatly benefit you, but it will benefit those around you. In order to abolish ignorance, we have to expose ourselves to new and opposing ideas to really get the big picture. Learn something new every day, and realize that there is always room for improvement.
3. Help those in need.
No, I'm not talking about flying to some obscure country and teaching them about your religion. I'm talking about helping the people you see every day, whether it be friends, family, or even strangers. It could be as little as helping an elderly woman pick up something she dropped, or as big as preforming chest compressions on someone in cardiac arrest. The things you do to help others will not only make you feel better, but it will inspire others to do the same to the people they meet.
4. Let people live their lives.
A true patriot will remember that The Declaration of Independence states that all humans have certain "inalienable rights", among these being the pursuit of happiness. Happiness will vary from person to person, but that doesn't mean that it gives you the right to stand in the way of someone else's pursuit of happiness because it goes against your beliefs or religion or whatever. Everyone is entitled to happiness, and I think you'll find that you'll be much happier if you stop asserting yourself in other people's business.
5. Celebrate all Americans.
It is my belief that unity is what will save us. The wonderful thing about America and what made it so great is that "American" did not entail just one race, one culture, one language, or one religion. America is meant to be a place for everyone, a place of new opportunities and a place that welcomes all. Of course it's okay to celebrate what makes you different, but I think in doing so we have forgotten the one thing we have in common- we're all American, regardless of skin color or gender or sexual identity or religious beliefs. If we can learn to celebrate our differences and celebrate ALL Americans, not just what we think Americans should be, then we will truly be able to make America great; perhaps truly great for the first time.