During finals week, exams are a student’s main focus. It’s time to push aside fun and take care of your sanity in order to try to maintain or salvage your grades. It may seem awful, but remember it’s only for a couple weeks. You can have your life back once finals are over. Here are some things you can look forward to doing once finals are over:
Leave your Cave of a Room
Many people, myself included, keep themselves in their room when studying for finals for maximum focus. You spend almost all your time studying in your room, only coming out for food and class; this gets pretty boring. After a few hours in my room, I start to crave interaction from the outside world, but I can't worry about that until I’m finished with my finals.
Start Eating Healthier
College students aren’t known for having the best eating habits, and this is especially true around finals. Studying for finals usually means I don’t have enough time to make myself something that takes longer than three minutes to make, go grocery shopping, or even eat somewhere that isn’t fast food. A finals diet consists mostly of pizza and ramen noodles, so it’s best to eat better when finals are over to balance this out.
See your Friends and Family Again
When final exam time arrives, many easily distracted students are forced to become shut-ins in order to focus on their studies without getting distracted. This means not seeing your friends and family for several days in some cases. When finals are finals over you can finally be reunited with your loved ones.
Finally Sleep Again
To students, finals usually mean little to no sleep for at least a week. Little sleep often means slowly loosing your sanity, but if you do well on your finals it’ll be worth it. Sleep deprivation is temporary, but your GPA is forever. Once you’re done with finals you can sleep as much as you want.
Once finals are over, you can finally have your social life back. You’ve been studying your butt off for a really long time, so it’s finally time to have some fun. You’ve earned it.