I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 13 years old. Along with trichotillomania, I've had to learn how to understand and cope with mental illness for over seven years. It was really difficult at first... I was on a lot of medication, which turned out not to be the best option for me. Over the years, I discovered a few things that really help my mental health.
1. Exercise
As a teen, I used to work out with my mom, but eventually I stopped going. I stayed inside and isolated myself from the world, which isn't a good idea when you have depression. I felt trapped in my own head until recently. I rode the bus a lot of the time, but it got to be too expensive. For $75, I bought myself a used bike on Craiglist, along with a lock and helmet. Once I started riding my bike, nearly everyday of the week, I felt fit. I still have stretch marks on my thighs, but I don't mind them anymore. Exercising is proven to help with depression. I feel great, even if I am sweating like crazy by the end of it.
2. Art
I have always been an artist, so I would draw on everything. Every piece of paper I owned was covered in doodles. Over the years, I got into painting and digital art too; it really helps me feel relaxed. Any form of art helps me express my feelings or just let my imagination go wild. More importantly, art makes me feel at peace with myself. If you don't consider yourself a good artist, I'd still recommend art. Remember, even splattering paint on a canvas can be fun!
3. Treats
Every once in awhile, I get tired of the same routine over and over again. So, every now and then, I treat myself to a fun activity. Whether it's going to the movies, playing at an arcade, or eating ice cream, it's always good to let yourself have fun. Breaking a routine once in awhile makes me feel good about myself. It's okay that I'm not always working on something, because it's okay to have a break. It's good to let yourself know that you deserve a treat; you deserve it!
4. Self-Acceptance
I hated myself for many years. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't see myself... I felt like I was looking at a complete stranger. Not only did I hate myself for my trichotillomania, but because of my constant thoughts of hatred and blame. It took many years and a lot of therapy to accept who I am. Sometimes I still have negative thoughts, but I now know that my life is worth it. Everyone has a special talent, even if you haven't found it yet. Even in your darkest moments, try to remember that you are special and your life's worth living.
5. Helping Others
Whether it's listening to someone who needs to talk about their life or a kind gesture, helping others can make you feel good about yourself. Caring for others can go a long way. Your actions can help that person happy, plus it can make you feel the same way about yourself.
These are the five major things have helped me over the years to love myself and the world around me. Be kind and follow your dreams, and I promise that you can achieve them. Life is the greatest adventure you can possibly go on, so try and live it to the fullest.