We are only about a month and a half into this lovely year of 2017, and I don't know about you, but I am already sick of some things and people. Here is a lovely list of things and people that I have compiled of what I think are overrated.
1. Justin Bieber
I feel that a lot of the celebrity buzz is about Justin Bieber or somehow has to do with him and most of the time, it is something stupid. But seriously, come on people. He has pretty much been around since 2009 and of course, he is gonna change because that is what normal people do. Just stop obsessing about him because it's old and he is kind of average now.
2. The iPhone
When the iPhone first came out on June 29, 2007, the world was taken by complete awe because of how amazing the first touch screen smartphone was and how the average person could get ahold of it.We also loved the sleek design and the ease of figuring out how to use it. Well, here we are nine, soon to be ten in the fall, iPhones later, and we are still head over heals for the iPhone. Why? I don't know but seriously come on people, there are so many other smartphones that are similar and may even be cheaper because let's face it; THE iPhone IS EXPENSIVE. Now don't get me wrong I myself have several Apple products and absolutely love them, but we can stop having so much hype over them because after all, it is just another new technological craze that's being released and kind of loses it's nostalgia after about two months because people are already talking about the "leaked" iPone specs for the next one.
3. The Kardashians
I absolutely love watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians because I love Khloe and Kourtney and that's about it. I feel that everyone else, including Cait even though she's not really part of the clan but hey, she does have two daughters with Kris, is kind of just there not doing much with their life except making drama. But I guess the others have to make money somehow.
4. Bacon
I would imagine that bacon alone tastes pretty good, but I honestly wouldn't know. But as I walk around in my daily adventures, I hear some pretty nasty combinations like chocolate covered bacon, bacon ice cream, and pretty much bacon anything. It is starting to get a little out of hand and honestly the combinations are beginning to sound repulsive.
5. Beyonce
Once again, another person that has a huge following probably just because she knows how to market her brand properly. What also helps is that her husband is a famous rapper that goes by the name of Jay-Z. I know that Beyonce has been around for a long time and she honestly is a decent singer; I even listen to her! But several people make her out to seem like a goddess and that she is not a human. Like really? She is just like the rest of us, except she has a lot more money and has an extremely easy job of simply singing.