There are always going to be little things in life that annoy you to no end but that you cannot explain. In this day and age, social media plays a big role in our lives and can affect our friendships and relationships either for the positive or the negative. I know for me, personally, when I am scrolling my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram feed, I get bothered by the most pointless things. We're all smart enough to know that we shouldn't be off-put by such silly occurrences, but we are anyway. These are the things no one ever told you but should have about social media.
1. If one of your friends has a 100-second-plus Snapchat story, they didn't actually have as fun a time as you may think. We all know that person that has the longest Snapchat story weekend after weekend, and usually, we just tap through the whole thing because we don't actually care what they were doing, we just want the notification to go away. The only people that care about whatever event is on the story were probably there to experience it and don't care to watch it again in 10-second video increments. The truth behind these serial Snappers is that if they are too busy trying to make it look like they had a killer night, they really weren't enjoying it. I love pictures just as much as the next person, but some of the best nights are the ones that go undocumented because everyone was too busy having fun to stop what they are doing to get a picture or video. Besides, the memories you are left with are way better than anything you could capture on film. If you are ever jealous of the friend with the longe-than-necessary Snapchat story, think again because more often than not, the highlight of that person's night was faking an exciting video.
2. Getting a load of "likes" on your Instagram doesn't make you hot. Maybe you or your best friend get hundreds of likes on your selfies or cute photographs. Sure, this can be a good self-esteem boost, but it doesn't mean you're any hotter than the girl who posts a selfie and gets ten likes. You probably just have more followers, and if you're in a sorority, forget it. You have one hundred sisters that are guaranteed to throw you a like. No amount of social media attention is going to make you any more relevant than someone else. What we should be focused on are the things that really matter. Maybe my selfie game isn't on fleek, but my report card is showing straight A's. Think about what's going to pay off in the long run.
3. Passive-aggressive Facebook statuses need to stop. No one cares about your “fake friends" or your “jerk ex-boyfriend" or the “town you can NOT wait to get out of." Those who are still making statuses like these need to be silenced. Facebook was not created so that you could air your dirty laundry with the world. Private matters should be kept private. Sure, it is your prerogative if you want all of your Facebook friends to know about your problems, but keeping them on the down low will save everyone the headache of reading your first world problems. On a similar note, no one needs to read the same thing over and over again. So you got a new boyfriend: we don't need to see him as your “Man Crush Monday" every week. No one will read the paragraphs you write about how much you love your significant other because no one cares. No one needs the constant reminder of what they already know.
4. Excessive cursing and posing with alcohol doesn't make you look cool. It doesn't matter whether you're of age or not, pictures online of you drinking are not classy. Okay, maybe it's your 21st birthday, and you're smiling with your first legal drink. This gets a free pass. Any other photo where you're just holding a drink? Not professional, especially if you're under age. What kind of image do you want to portray of yourself? It is all too easy for future employers to find you online, even if you're using a middle name in place of your last name. I have heard of instances where a person has not gotten a job because of photos that were on their Facebook page. I have even heard that internships are turning people away because of internet content. The best rule of thumb is to keep your profiles clean so that if someone didn't know you and had to describe you based on what they see and read, they would characterize you in the same way you would characterize yourself. If you want to come off as a smart, classy and professional individual, what you post should reflect that. Dropping curse words will never make you look intelligent, and frankly, if you wouldn't say it to your grandma, you probably shouldn't be putting it out into the open where it will permanently stay.
5. Your relationship should never come before your friends. One of my favorite topics to rant about is relationships. Nothing is more annoying than when you get a friend who enters a new relationship, and they let the other person take over their life. I touched on the long Facebook posts for “Man Crush Monday," “Woman Crush Wednesday," and anniversaries that no one cares about, but really, we don't need a photo reminder that you have a boyfriend every day of the week. The thing about relationships is that they don't always last. Who is going to be there to pick you up when you're left heartbroken? Your friends. When your significant other and their friends take over your life and become your main friend group, what do you think is going to happen when it ends? What people need to learn is how to make a separation between their boyfriend or girlfriend and their friends. Don't tell your friends why you're mad at your boyfriend if it is a petty fight, because more often than not, you are going to be way more likely to forgive him than they are. If your boyfriend is talking smack about your friends, drop him like he's old news. They were your friends first; if he is going to come into the picture and pass unfair judgement, he needs to go. Just because you are dating someone doesn't mean that you have to share a brain with them.
Though the items on this list may seem trivial (and trust me, I know they are), they still bug me to no end. Sometimes, all we need is for someone else to put these daily life struggles into words so that we can feel more justified in being annoyed. At the end of the day, we can still go on being mildly irritated and roll our eyes at the computer screen, but looking at things in a logical manner can at least stop us from punching a hole through the wall.