"Legally Blonde" is a household classic, if you haven’t seen it then you probably live under a rock. But seriously go watch it! Not only will it bring some occasional laughter, but surprisingly after watching this comedy you will gain a couple life lessons that are brought to you by yours truly Elle Woods. To sum it up here are five of the lessons I was taught by Elle Woods character in Legally Blonde.
There’s nothing wrong with having style and standing out from the crowd.
With her signature pink suit, Elle Woods certainly made an entrance. By far the one thing all women can take from Elle Woods’s style is that you must not be afraid to add your own touch to an outfit. Whether you want to rock a pink suit like Elle herself or stick to some red stilettos with your classic black outfit. Whatever your style may be, make sure it reflects whom you are and the part you are trying to play. Dressing the part is a step closer to becoming the part.Sorority women are meant to empower one another.
As a sorority woman, I couldn’t agree more with the way Legally Blonde and Elle Woods herself portrayed what being in a sisterhood is like. From the post break up support to the courtroom cheers she received from her sorority sisters. Clearly the stereotypical self absorbed sorority women that Hollywood loves to portray was proven wrong by Elle Woods and her sisters, as they empowered her throughout her law school journey from start to finish.It’s not the boy that will define you but the degree.
Not only did Elle Woods teach all of us how to turn that post-breakup rage into motivation (the motivation that will get you into Harvard Law School) but also she taught us to leave that petty boy in the past because in the end karma will bring forth justice. Elle’s main reason for getting into Law school was in hopes of getting her ex back by becoming everything he wanted in a woman (let's recall he claimed she was too blonde for him) yet in the process she realized that she was no longer chasing him but rather chasing after her own dreams.All it takes is hard work and dedication
Yes, folks, she did indeed get a 179 on her LSAT! Aside from the fact that Elle Woods is a fictional character, we can't overlook the fact that her character in this comedy film taught us that anyone can want something but in order to be the one to obtain it, there must be hard work and dedication in the recipe.
Have faith in yourself
Above all else in the words of Elle Woods one must always have faith in their own self as well as the people around them, as quoted in her valedictorian speech
"It is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself."
Elle becomes the person she envisioned by putting faith towards herself and those she met along the way, while recalling to her fellow colleagues that first impressions are not always correct, as she herself is a perfect example of that.