1. Set up a self-care schedule
Whether trying to get to the gym three times a week or blocking out two hours for a Sunday facial, schedule some “me time” every week. In college we often throw out self-care in favor of making the grades we want, but now that school is over, it is time to reinvest in yourself. You don’t want to start your adult life completely burnt out from college, do you?
2. Manage your own finances
A huge part of being an adult is paying your own bills. If you don’t typically pay your own expenses, get in some practice this summer. There are plenty of Excel spreadsheets to use or cute little notebooks available. Once you see how much money you are spending on, like daily Starbucks runs for example, you will be able to cut back and see how much money you really need to live on.
3. Learn how to cook new meals
Toast and frozen dinners aren’t going to cut it in the real world. You need to learn how to cook a variety of meals so you don’t get sick of the same mac and cheese every night. You can’t rely on dining hall food forever. Hop on Pinterest and get inspired. Learn how to cook one new meal every week. Put new spins on old favorites. I recommend starting with pasta dishes because we all know Alfredo pasta is just adult mac and cheese.
4. Pick up an old hobby
If you are in my boat and are undertaking your final summer break, take this precious free time to rediscover the things you loved as a child. If you liked to draw or paint, consider taking an art class or just buying some paint and going at it. Baking, swimming, or whatever, just give it one last try. Maybe you will find out that hobby is something you want to incorporate into your adult life.
5. Get some sleep
You will actually need to work a full time job once you graduate college, and won’t be able to party or stay up all night. Take some time this summer and figure out how much sleep you need to feel rested and ready to go. While you can’t technically catch up on sleep, it will help cure that burnout that has been creeping up on you all semester.
Also napping. Napping is a very adult thing to do, so definitely try your hand at that.