If you blink, the remainder of the summer could pass you by. Regardless of how productive you've been during this time, these are five things everyone should do before September rolls around. And no, Green Day fans, I didn't put “fall asleep for the rest of summer” on the list. I don't feel like waking anyone up when September ends.
1. Organize Your Workspace
Do you catch yourself not having enough time to tidy up your room or desk or office? Or, if we’re being brutally honest, doing whatever you can to avoid cleaning? I know some of my friends are the exact opposite and clean when they feel like procrastinating, but even though I consider myself an organized person, usually my level of organization would be considered “orderly chaos” by experts. Not messy enough for the average Joe to be concerned, but neat freaks may recommend an intervention. Anyway, sometimes you have to put things on pause, take some inventories and organize. A little effort goes a long way, and you never know when you might need that extra minute you spent looking for matching socks.
2. Do Something You Haven't Done Before (or in a While)
Sometimes we get too deep into our comfort zones and try to fill up our day with what feels normal. But opportunity is always knocking, and every now and then it really pays to switch up the routine. So either crack open that bucket list or make one. Whether it's hiking, fishing, backpacking, cooking, or learning a new sport or instrument, there's always something we can add that could turn into a new passion or adventure.
3. Go Someplace You've Never Been to Before
Speaking of adventure, that’s what summer is all about! Aside from spring break it has to be the most inviting time throughout the year to go to new places, to see uncharted territory. Thanksgiving and Christmas is either all about going home or going to the same three places: Tahoe, Florida, and Disneyland. But whether you are studying abroad, traveling for a business trip or internship or participating in some kind of tournament or competition, those are just some of the ways your desire for travel can be fulfilled. Whatever your schedule or budget will allow, take the time to plan a getaway or spontaneously break the cycle of your ordinary routine.
4. Make Sure Time With Friends Isn’t Seasonal
It's important to treat everyone you consider important in your life as well as possible. The best way to do that is to meet up with them or at least keep in contact with them regularly. During the summer tensions tend to be a little lower. You want to do more fun things. And what exactly makes those things fun? Having great people to share those memories with. But life isn't seasonal. And as much as you need to enjoy each other’s company now it'll be nice to rely on them during the other nine months of the year as well. Some situations are trickier than others, especially for this current generation of college students. On one hand you want to catch up with friends from high school, but on the other you have you college friends. And to make matters more complicated everyone is moving to their own tune and will not stay in the same geographic location for more than a month at a time. Don't let these dilemmas turn into decisions but into solutions. And remember, quality over quantity. You get what you put into your friendships, so give it your best shot and you'll enjoy the results.
5. Fix Your Sleep Schedule
This is a no-brainer, yet so many people struggle with this. Make it a goal to sleep at the same time as often as you can help it. And make sure you get enough sleep. Even if it requires short naps, seven hours a day is the minimum, and doctors recommend 8-10 (some of you are thinking “Ha! I haven't gotten that much sleep since the 9th grade”). Bottom line is every single one of you has dreams you want to achieve. But you can't dream those dreams if you don't sleep.
These tips are the foundation of a summer well spent, and that newfound good feeling can carry into fall!