There are two types of people in this world: coffee drinkers, and people who think they are coffee drinkers. When you're a coffee drinker there is not one day that goes by without you drinking this hot beverage, and if anyone gets in your way they are literally the worst person ever. As a coffee drinker you often have a code on your system for coffee. For me, I drink Starbucks' Pike Roast Place with half and half at least two to three times a day, and without this is am tragically sad. I can say these five things are definitely true.
1. Without coffee, the whole world will just suck.
“Wake up in the morning and feeling like P-Diddy,” as a coffee drinker I don’t know how that’s possible. When coffee drinkers wake up in the morning, we feel like crap. Coffee always makes you more alert and awake, and once you wake up you are looking forward to making your coffee. I don’t know about your coffee withdrawal symptoms, but if I don’t have coffee my head starts hurting, my eyelids feel like a thousand pounds, and everyone who talks to me is out to get me and nothing will diminish this feeling except a cup of coffee.
2. Flavored coffee is a joke.
Many people criticize coffee for being bitter and too strong, but that’s the point. It’s supposed to make you more alert and energetic. Whenever there’s caramel, cinnamon or hazelnut flavored coffee, it’s just sad. Why would you want additives to your coffee? It weakens the taste, and defeats the purpose. Flavored coffee is like fruit juice with high fructose corn syrup. Just drink the real deal.
3. Coffee mugs are like accessories.
Something’s gotta hold your coffee, right? It might as well be something cute and beautiful. From sassy phrases to puns related to your favorite shows; it’s the best way to show off your attitude and style without actually making an effort. As I’m writing this article, I am looking on Etsy at all these beautiful mugs, and there’s so many that are perfect. You might as well have something pretty to look at while you drink coffee.
4. There is often loyalty to a certain brand.
Each brand has a particular taste to their coffee, and once you commit to a brand, you are so used to your coffee tasting a particular way that when you go out to other coffee shops the coffee is just not the same. There’s a particular aromatic scent you become accustomed to and when it's not there, it's like something is missing.
5. Most of the times one cup is just not enough.
Just to get through the day and deal with annoying people it is often necessary to indulge in two, maybe three or five....or six cups of coffee a day. And without that daily indulgence everything will just come crashing down. And they think smokers have it bad.