We all know too well the struggles that go into studying. If you're like me, you don't enjoy studying but understand how useful it can be. Still, that doesn't stop us from going through the five stages of studying. It all begins with:
1. Denial
Denial begins the journey and we all experience it. Some of us remember that we can take advantage of the professor that gives beloved extra credit. Others remember that they did well on the two previous tests and don't have to worry about the current test.
2. Anger
That moment when you are in your room with your face in a book. Oh, on top of that, there's an open party going on at the same time. Sometimes frustrations build when studying. That one question on the study guide that you can't find the answer to. The first time you even look at the study guide and there's 50 more problems than you expected. Keep your cool, you are on your way to bargaining.
3. Negotiation
"Do I REALLY have to study for this test?" Really though, that thought always crosses my mind. This is also a time when the gentle thought of extra credit returns. "Maybe if I can clean my professors car?" And we all use the "I'll just study in the morning" when that never truly happens.
4. Depression
Now is the time where things get serious. Thoughts of failing class, failing your major, failing life cross your mind. No more bargains, you can't put this off anymore. Once this realization comes, you are ready to actually begin your study.
5. Acceptance
Once here, you realize that you paid attention in class, and you know the answers to some of the study guide questions. You realize the fit you threw earlier was slightly overreacting. You realize you are ready to ace this test.
Once you start the terrible task of studying, you get done in no time (unless it's finals week, then it's every man for himself), and feel prepared and like a healthy student. So get out there, be studious, do what you need to do to get the grade you deserve. Oh, and it's college, too, so have fun while you do that.