Getting ready to go to college as a freshman is a cluster of so many emotions. There is an abundance of excitement, anxiety, utter fear, and happiness. However, when you’re faced with the task of fitting your life into a suitcase or two and lugging it across the state, country, or even world, emotions tend to start running a bit higher. As my older friends in school tell stories of how they simply are chucking items in boxes and loading them into the car, I as a freshman am experiencing several different stages as I pack up all of my things to begin a new life away from home.
1.You Lose Your Mind
Whether you think your packing too early, too late, or don’t know where to begin you start acting a little neurotic. You start freaking out that your missing something or that you’ll get to campus and will realize you didn’t buy half the things you need. If you have a severe case of the neurotic packing syndrome you’ll probably become really bothersome to friends and family as you start making up songs about your suitcase and fitting your entire life into it. Starting to pack makes everything seem more real. Seeing your room look like a tornado bulldozed through it definitely intensifies that feeling.
2. You Pack WAY Too Much
Okay, this stage is inevitable. How can you not be tempted to pack everything you own when you know you won’t have access to it for months? Suddenly that shirt you haven’t worn in two years becomes a necessity and you need all four purses because, options, right? “Pack in seasons,” everyone tells you – but wait, shouldn’t I bring my favorite winter sweater? What if it gets cold quicker this year? Really, I don’t know if there is any avoiding this stage, especially as a freshman because we don’t necessarily have a concept of how small that shoebox room really is and how much stuff you won’t be able to fit in it. Have no fear; thankfully, because stage four will hopefully be one you experience later on if number two is a problem for you.
3.You Go Out And Buy Everything You Were Missing
Perhaps you had a list of everything that you needed written down somewhere and thought you had it all, until paranoia sets in and drives you to make a whole other list on your phone of little things you might need. What about nail polish remover, hair ties, or an ironing board? There are so many little things to remember!
4.You Take Stuff Out
As you get closer to the move in date you realize you may have gone a bit overboard. Or perhaps more accurately put, there was not enough room in the car for all of your stuff so items had to be eliminated. You kind of freak out as you begin to take things out but you know it is for the best. Maybe I don’t need that shirt I haven’t worn it in two years, and that tenth wall hanging is taking up a lot of room…
5.You’re Finally Ready!
Despite the chaos and absolute mess you created in your room and neglected to thoroughly clean (sorry mom), its time to set off on your adventure! You come to terms with the idea that yes, you might – no, definitely- will forget something. However, it is important to learn how to navigate the off and on campus stores to find what you need. It’s finally time to try out this whole living away from home thing and set up the dorm room!