It is that time again: football season. For many, this means games, tailgating, and great times with great people. For me, this means marching band and literal blood, sweat, and tears.
1. Band Camp
Band camp is both awful and awesome at the same time. If you're like me, then it's anywhere from 90-100 degrees. Marching in just a sports bra is the norm. You are drenched in sweat from head to toe and feel completely disgusting. When it is all over, there is this sense of accomplishment that cannot be felt from anything else.
2. Memorizing your music and drill.
Memorizing is 100%, in my opinion, the worst part of marching band. Some people, it comes naturally. For me, not so much. Although we hate it, there is satisfaction in doing it. It also makes us look 100x better.
3. Uniforms
There is no such thing as a pretty uniform. It just doesn't work like that. Are they nice? Of course. We definitely wouldn't choose to wear them. It is impossible to even get one to fit you right.
4. Football Games
There is no doubt that we are the team's biggest fans. No matter what, we are constantly cheering for them and remain hopeful even when things aren't looking too good.
5. When the director buys you ice cream.
This is the happiest moment of your entire life.