We all know that one person who says: "Why should I vote my vote doesn't matter?". Every U.S citizens vote does matter. Voting is essential for our country to survive! Here are five reasons why you should vote!
1. It is your civic duty!
This is the main reason to vote. When you are 18 or just got citizenship you have the right to vote! In my opinion it is not just your right it is your civic duty to do so. When you don't vote your right as a citizen is taken away. You don't have a chance to vote for the person that best represents you. You are failing America by not voting!
2. People have fought for the right to vote that you have today.
As a Social Studies Education Major I have taken many History courses. What I have learned from them is that From the very beginning of this great county people have been fighting for their right to vote. At one time the only people who could vote were white men who owned land. People have been barred from their rights. Women didn't get the right to vote until the 1920's. African Americans had to fight vigorously for their right which wasn't given to them until the 1960's. People today don't understand the fight that our ancestors had. Which is yet another reason why you should vote by honoring the people who fought for your right to vote!
3. Your vote does matter.
If you are the person who says my vote doesn't matter please keep reading. When you cast your ballot your vote will matter. Because even if the person you voted for didn't win you can say that your voice was heard and if the candidate you chose won there is a rush of joy knowing you were apart of something that truly does matter! You are choosing the people who will be running your school board, the State Government, and the National Government. You want to choose someone who you see best fit to run any position in government. And the only way is by voting! Everyone's vote matters!
4. Voting gives you an opportunity to get more involved!
Before you vote you scout the candidates to see who best represents you. I was able to do that by going to a Presidential Rally and it was a wonderful experience! The atmosphere and seeing so many people coming together to support their candidate is American Democracy at work. (I did attend a Trump Rally but it does not reflect my views).
5. It's Free!
If you are like any other person in the world then you love free things! It just so happens that it is free to register to vote! and you know the saying "Free is for me!". The postage is free also! All you need to do is fill out the information and send it in!
So before November, make sure you register to vote! Also get involved by going to political events! And if you don't have the time or the resources to register by mail then here is a link to the website to register if you are a resident in Pennsylvania!
The General Election is November 8th!