5 Reasons Why He Is The Burt Macklin To Your Janet Snakehole | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Why He Is The Burt Macklin To Your Janet Snakehole

You Are Both Probably Insane

5 Reasons Why He Is The Burt Macklin To Your Janet Snakehole

Now what exactly do you get when you cross an aristocratic widow who has a very dark secret with a buff special agent for the FBI? Why, you get the power couple of Burt Macklin and Janet Snakehole, of course. Burt Macklin and Janet Snakehole are the alter-egos of the fictional characters Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate-Dwyer from "Parks and Recreation." Arguably, Andy and April have one of the greatest love stories on television. There is an element of mutual respect yet the pair is still youthful and fun-loving. And yes, they also make killer Halloween costumes.

1. The element of spontaneity.

There is no doubt that you would drive thirty hours to the Grand Canyon, just because. April and Andy made the trip just to bask in the glorious vistas and breathtaking views. Heck, they even got married on a whim. Nothing is better than going on adventures and having the times of your lives. You add an element of surprise to each other's lives that always keep you on your toes.

2. He is basically a Labrador Retriever.

Yes, he is as cute as a pup and as friendly as one too. Sometimes you might even mistake him for a puppy but hey, puppies are adorable, spunky, and loyal. Just like Burt Macklin AKA Andy Dwyer, he is fun loving and never too serious about anything.

3. "I guess I kind of hate most things but I never really seem to hate you"-Janet Snakehole AKA April Ludgate Dwyer.

Although no relationship is perfect, you guys manage to balance each other out. Burt Macklin FBI is a foil for the criminal character of Janet Snakehole, just as Andy balances out April's dark side. You just keep each other smiling all the time.

4. You are both a bit unconventional.

Well, who better to spend your time with? When you are a bit more crazy than the rest of the population you need to find someone just as unusual as you. You can go from eating cereal out of frisbees to a night out at the Snakehole Lounge in a snap.

5. Unconditional love and friendship

In the wake of other disappointments and heartbreaks, you are always there for each other through the good times and the bad. There is enough love to fill a village but even more than that, there is a foundation of friendship. You are truly best friends and want the best for each other.

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