People disgust me. Now there are a few exceptions to this list. Those exceptions are the rare ones that I choose to associate myself with in life. Now just because we are Facebook friends or I follow you on Twitter does not mean that you are an exception! In fact, if I were to cast all feelings aside and create a new Facebook and Twitter, I would have about 10 Facebook friends and follow 10 people, instead of the couple hundred I do now. To the exceptions: you know who you are. To everyone else: this article is based on you. Enjoy!
1. People do not know when to take a joke!
I have seen so many people do or say something as a joke that was completely harmless and at least ONE PERSON has to go and RUIN EVERYTHING because it "offends them". Yes, I'm talking to you, guy that hates show tunes and everything good in life. Well, guess what, people that get offended by ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING: YOU offend me! Please learn to take a joke and have FUN! You do still know what that word means, right?
2. People are
stubborn and hate to admit when they are wrong!
This just might be the thing I hate the most about people. Please take your PRIDE and go SOMEWHERE ELSE! Why would you want to argue with someone about something that you CLEARLY know you are DEAD WRONG about??? It is OK to lose a battle every once in a while guys. Did you know it actually makes you somewhat a better person if you can admit when you are wrong? Well, you probably didn't because you are to busy thinking about yourself and how you can make this world a horrible place for everyone else.
3. People have no consideration for others!!!
We all live together here in this world, and you would think that everyone would help each other out to make it a better place. Sadly, that is not the case. We live in a society where some will gladly throw others under a bus to gain an advantage in life. People never stop to think about how their actions affect others. This disgusts me. So many problems can be solved simply by being considerate! Being selfish and putting others down because they are less fortunate is not the answer.
4. People have commitment
Hey guys, is it really that hard to follow through with something you promised you would do? This issue can range from someone cheating on their spouse, all the way to SOMEONE COMMITTING TO WRITING ONE SIMPLE ARTICLE EVERY WEEK BUT THEN APPARENTLY FALLING OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! BUT THEN YOU KNOW THEY HAVE TO BE ALIVE BECAUSE EVERY FIVE MINUTES THEY POST SOMETHING NEW ON FACEBOOK! I know personally if I say I am going to do something, I DO IT. Then if I forget, I will not blame it on everyone else. I will simply own up to what I have done wrong. IT'S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE!!
5. People are
Why? Just why? Please for the love of God do NOT come up to me complaining about your life if all you do is sit on the couch and play video games or watch Netflix. IF YOU WANT CHANGE, YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT! If you want that raise, WORK FOR IT! If you want that new car, WORK FOR IT! If you want to get that full ride to college, WORK FOR IT! Do not sit around complaining about your life when you could be spending that time working to make it better! I will NOT HAVE SYMPATHY FOR YOU!!!
I honestly could go on forever about this single topic, but for now I will leave you with this: BE NICE TO ONE ANOTHER! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!